Who tf are you

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-3rd Person Zak POV-

Zak walked close behind his friends as they walked down his street. He didn't know how, but they had convinced him to let them hang at his place for the afternoon. They usually hanged out at Zelk's, so he didn't know why they picked his house this time.

' ' Anyways, so when I was pushing her down the stairs, she grabbed Finn's arm and pulled him down with her ' ' Zelk said, walking up to the door. He dug through his pocket while he continued the story. He smiled when he found a small leather bag.

He pulled out a key, inspecting it and nodding to himself.

' ' And then Vurb came in and beat the other girl with a book ' ' He said, unlocking the door and opening it for the others.

No one knew why he had the keys, but he did. For all they knew, he had keys to everyone's house. You know what- never mind. He totally does. And they never tried to take the keys because they know he has more.


Zak walked in behind his friends, Vurb closing the door for them. Thank you Vurb. The group walked through the living room, making their way to the kitchen. TapL sat on the counter, looking to the others. Finn and Spifey joined him, the other boys sitting on stools or standing around the counter.

Tiny opened the pantry, seeing as he had tagged along with the group to all of their houses many times. He looked around for a moment before walking over to his brother. He tugged on his sleeve to get his attention, Zelk turning his head to look at Tiny. He tilted his head and Tiny simply gave him a look and Zelk knew what he wanted.

' ' Hey, where are the chips? ' ' Zelk asked Zak with a small smile. Zak was about to respond before someone cut him off.

' ' Bottom shelf to the right ' '

The group looked over to where the voice had come from. He saw a brunette boy around their age sitting on the other side of the room. He had short, light brown hair that seemed slightly messy at the moment. His eyes were a shining emerald, black, rectangular glasses resting in front of them. He wore a a white hoodie with cyan highlights, complemented by his light colored jeans. His figure was slim but intimidating. He stood up, walking over to the group.

' ' I'm Darryl! Nice to meet you! ' ' He stopped in front of them and showed them a toothy smile, showing off his sharp canines.

The group shared a small look before turning to see Zak's expression. Darryl noticed this and quickly walked over to the boy.

' ' May I talk to you in private? ' ' Zak hesitantly nodded, staring into the boy's bright eyes. He grabbed his hand and pulled him down the hallway. Once they were out of sight, Darryl pulled them both into Zak's room, blocking the door with his body once they were in.

' ' Listen Pumpkin, it's me! Goodboyhalo! ' ' He snapped at Zak. Zak looked his up and down wondering how the pumpkin this even happened. ' ' I just had to look like this in front of your friends, okay? ' ' Zak moved towards the demon quietly, grabbing his arms suddenly, Darryl flinching in response. Zak stared into the boy's emerald eyes before smiling.

' ' You're SOOOOO cute! ' ' Zak squealed in excitement. Darryl groaned, pushing him off.

' ' Let's go back before your friends get worried ' ' The brunette said, trying to avoid the raven haired boy's joy. He shoved his hands in his pockets, walking out of the room, Zak following a bit behind. The group had been talking and laughing the entire time they were gone, Vurb looking over at them as they walked back in.

' ' What were you guys doing in there? Making out? ' ' Vurb chucking, the rest of the group laughing at it. Zak tensed, feeling his face heat up. He looked at Darryl, who grinned widely.

' ' No, don't even think that we did ' ' Zak said, trying to stop any ideas the group had.

' ' Yes we were! ' ' Darryl laughed, holding his arms over his lower torso. Zak shot him a dirty look before looking back at the group, who were in a bit of laughter.

' ' No! No we weren't! ' ' Zak tried to defend himself, punching Darryl in the arm as hard as he could. Even though he punched as hard as he could, it barely did anything because mother nature decided to make Zak a weak little boy.

Fuck you mother nature.

Darryl shoved Zak, the smaller boy being pushed back a few feet. Zak caught his balance, glaring at Darryl. He ran at the brunette, trying to push him. Darryl laughed as he grabbed the boy's wrist, holding them a bit away from his shoulders.

' ' You're so easy! ' ' The brunette chuckled. ' ' Oh my fucking god! Do you even exercise? Like, at all? ' '

Zak looked away slightly, embarrassed by the fact he never even tried to get stronger. Darryl noticed this and burst out laughing again.

' ' Oh my fucking- ' ' The brunette let go, putting his hands on his knees. ' ' You- you fucking weak bottom bitch, what the fucking hell- ' ' He toppled over, laughing like a child had just fallen down while holding their mother's phone. By this point, Zak already assumed that was his sense of humor. 

' ' What?! I'm not weak! ' ' Zak yelled, his face completely red from embarrassment. ' ' And I'm not a freaking bottom! ' '

' ' Stop! Stop! You're killing us! ' ' TapL said, crying of laughter.

' ' Oh my pumpkins! ' ' Zak yelled at no one in particular. ' ' I need new friends. . . ' ' He mumbled, looking down at the ground in defeat.

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