Early Bird

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-3rd Person Geo POV-

The brunette laid awake in his bed as the sun's morning light seeped in through the window. He had been awake all night, unable to get a wink of sleep when he knew that Darryl was alive. It's the worst thing that could have happened. Darryl would tell everyone. It would ruin Clay, Nick, and his own life if Darryl shared the truth. 

Geo sat up, waiting for his eyes to adjust to the light. Clay would become an outcast. If he wasn't already in Geo's eyes. Geo never cared for Clay after the accident. It made his blood boil when he remembered the boy's frantic explanation. Geo couldn't help but remember the blond being completely helpless, crying in fear as he stared into Geo's eyes. Geo wanted to comfort Clay so badly. No. Not Clay. Geo wanted to comfort Nightmare. Clay meant nothing. He didn't know why it made him chuckle when he saw Clay sad. 

It wasn't always like this. They used to be close friends, and maybe more. But the accident changed that. Geo shook his head, trying to ignore the lingering thoughts. He got off of his bed and made his way to the bathroom, closing the door behind him. He grabbed the brush and fixed up his hair, brushing his teeth next. He stared at his reflection for a moment. He hated seeing the brunette in the mirror. An idiot that mirrored everything he did. Geo existed the bathroom, deciding to not fill his head with those terrible thoughts.

He walked over to his closet, grabbing a simple navy blue sweater. He quickly changed his shirt and then changed into some jeans. He stared at his closed for a moment before walking over to his beside table and grabbing his phone. He put it into his pocket and exited his room. The brunette walked quietly through the house, no noises being made except for Geo's soft footsteps. He picked up his bag off of the couch, walking out of the house. He stood on the porch for a moment, staring at the morning sky. He made his way down the sidewalk, starting the short walk to school. He never needed to drive because he already lived close enough to school that he had no need to wake up so damn early. It was like mother nature just wanted him awake every morning.

Fuck you mother nature.

But for Geo, he never found it to be any trouble. He'd even say that he preferred the morning. He couldn't help but think about what would happen if he were to meet that thing in the halls. He just needed to find Nick today and tell him about the situation. Then maybe they would find an easy way to fix it. Darryl always did have a soft spot for Nick. They acted like family most of the time. Geo had to admire the connection. Although, he didn't know if Nick even remembered his close friend. He couldn't remember talking since the accident, much like himself and Clay. The brunette shook his head, trying to stop this train of thought. He knew he end up going insane if he kept going down this rabbit hole. 

-3rd Person Zak POV (also small time skip bc fuck you)- 

Zak stood next to his locker as Zelk continued telling his story. Finn, TapL, and Vurb weren't there yet, so they were most likely going to run late for class. Spifey was standing a bit away from Zak, listening closely to his friend's story. Tiny was standing next to his brother, one hand holding Zelk's sleeve and the other holding his bear. Darryl stood next to Zak, leaning against the locker with his eyes closed.

He gave short glances to the brunette, wondering what he was thinking about. He turned his attention back to Zelk's story. Something deep in his mind told him that someone wanted to hear the tales, even if it wasn't him. 

' ' Okay so, after that, Stephany went over and slapped her across the face ' ' Zelk continued, earning a laugh from Spifey.

' ' Wait- she slapped who? I'm sorry. I didn't hear the last sentence ' ' Zak said sheepishly, Zelk looking slightly offended but not surprised that Zak wasn't paying attention.

' ' Sally. Stephany slapped Sally. ' ' 

' ' Oh- yeah. Sorry, continue ' ' Zak said, waving his hand dismissingly of his confusion.

' ' Yeah. I'm planning to ' ' Zelk cleared his throat ' ' So anyways, Wilbur came up and yelled at Stephany while- ' '

The words became muffled as Zak noticed someone he hadn't seen in a while. Karl was here! He ran over to meet the boy, who was talking to a boy wearing a beanie. The boy with the beanie almost jumped when Zak got to them, a big smile on the raven haired boy's face.

' ' Hey Karl! Long time no see! ' ' He greeted happily.' ' Oh, hey skep- Jef! ' ' Karl stuttered his name, like always. Zak thought it was strange how he always got his name wrong. 

' ' So- Jef. Meet anyone new recently? I don't know maybe like- a boy maybe? ' '

' ' Um I guess? Why? ' ' Zak tilted his head at the odd question, giving a quick glace at Darryl. Karl's eyes seemed to light up when he saw the boy.

' ' No reason! ' ' He replied waving his hand in front of him. Zak shrugged off the strange question, deciding it wasn't worth questioning. 

' ' Where have you been? ' ' Zak asked.

' ' Oh- I've been busy um- taking care of some things at home ' ' Karl answering with an awkward smile.

Zak looked over to the boy Karl had been talking to, who was now just looking at them. He gave a small wave when his eyes met Zak's.

' ' What's your name? ' '

' ' Oh- I'm Alex ' ' He answered with a soft voice. ' ' You can call me Quackity though ' '

' ' Okay! Nice to meet you Quackity! ' '

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