How can you see me?

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-3rd person Zak POV-

Zak sat quietly, tapping the end of his pencil against his desk. He nervously stared at the worksheet Mr. Phil had handed out, he had never been the best at history. His eyes drifted towards Darryl, noticing the boy was done, looking around the classroom with a bored expression.

' ' You're done? ' ' He whispered to the boy, the brunette turning his head to look at Zak. He simply nodded, about to turn away when he saw Zak's expression change.

' ' Stop with the puppy dog eyes, I'm not helping you ' ' He quietly hissed back, glaring at the boy.

' ' You said demons have to do anything their summoner wants, and I want you to help me ' ' Zak kept his voice down to not draw attention to himself.

' ' I hate that you remember that... ' ' Darryl said before scooting his seat closer to Zak. The raven haired boy watched as the brunette put his head on his shoulder, putting his hand over Zak so he could control the pencil. Zak could feel his face heat up as the brunette filled out the work, somehow not drawing any attention from the teacher or other students. Mother nature had apparently decided that in this moment, no one would notice and stop Zak from freaking out.

Fuck you mother nature.

Zak pressed his lips together, his entire body tense as his face began to heat up. He had dealt with this kind of thing before. He has a problem with getting too attached to people too quickly. Maybe that's why he never had the courage to cut people out of his life. 

Zak struggled to stay still, the demon apparently unable to notice the boy's silent panic. The only thing the brunette's mind was focused on was finished the stupid work. Zak could feel his heart skip a beat when the boy picked his head up.

Darryl let out a small sigh, letting go of the boy's hand and moving away. Zak let out the breath he didn't know he was holding, not having the courage to look the demon in the eyes. His gaze instead drifted to the other students, most had finished their work and sat in silence. Zak let out a quiet yawn, feeling tired for no apparent reason. 

' ' Darryl, can you wake me up when class ends? ' ' The boy whispered, the brunette giving him a small nod.

Zak showed him a soft smile before laying his head on his arms. He let his heavy eyelids fall, quickly dozing off in the quiet classroom. Everything around him seemed so slow, so what was the hurt in taking a little nap? 

The boy shot up, seeing he was now on the ground in an unfamiliar alley. He got up, looking around. This must be another dream, might as well get it over with. He walked out of the alley, turning his head as he saw a house that caught his eye. Nothing was wrong with the house, it just seemed off in some way. He scanned the area, not seeing anything else of interest so he settled on investigating the house. 

He approached the house, a bit forming in his stomach as he got closer. Once he got to the door, he went to knock, but his hand phased right through.

' ' So it's like the first dream. Of course... ' ' He said to himself in an annoyed tone. He walked through the door, entering the house with ease. He wandered aimlessly around the living room and kitchen until he heard laughing from one of the rooms. He followed the noise and located the room, walking in with no problem. 

Nightmare and George sat on the bed, laughing about something Zak didn't know. He stood near the wall, simply watching the boys. He sat down, keeping his gaze on the two.

' ' Dude- you're such an idiot ' ' The blonde wheezed out, falling back on the bed. George didn't respond, still laughing his ass off. Zak wondered what had been so funny, but he knew he most likely wouldn't know. He noticed a few pieces of silly string in the brunette's hair, maybe Nightmare had sprayed it in his hair?

' ' I'm going clean my hair you jackass! You can stay in here and be a bitch ' ' George composed himself, walking towards the bathroom attached to his room. Zak followed silently, not interested in Nightmare's wheezing. George shut the door, grabbing a towel form the drawer and setting it before lifting it to his head. Mid way, George seemed to freeze, almost like he was reacting to something. He picked his head up, Zak noticing that one of his eyes seemed to have a green hue. His gaze fixed on Zak's figure in the mirror, the raven haired boy noticing his body was partially transparent.

The boy completely froze in place, his eyes fixed on the mirror. He slowly turned around, staring at the translucent boy standing in the corner.

' ' You bitch. You have to leave. Now. ' ' He snapped, narrowing his eyes.

' ' how- how can you see me... ' ' Zak questioned, taking a step back.

' ' That's none of your concern. He was right, you really are a pest. ' '

' ' What? Who's right? What are you talking about- ' ' 

' ' Make him leave. ' ' George said to the air beside him, Zak's eyes flicking between the space and George. Nothing happened for a moment, George seeming annoyed.

' ' I don't care. Just get rid of him. He shouldn't be here. ' '

Before he could react, he fell back, his head spinning as the work began to go black. 

The boy sat up, back at his desk. What the hell just happened? Zak shook his head, looking at the brunette beside him, who was packing up his stuff.

' ' Are you okay, Zak? ' ' He asked, tilting his head.

Zak simply nodded, unable to figure out what had happened. These dreams were getting weirder and weirder every time. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2021 ⏰

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