Plushies Go Brrrr

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-3rd person Zak POV-

' ' Give it back! ' ' Zak yelled, chasing Zelk around the living room. Zelk was holding a soft pumpkin plushie high above his head and he ran away from Zak.

' ' You're gonna have to catch me! ' ' The boy yelled, jumping over the couch and the boys on in. TapL yelled a short 'HEY! ' before Zak jumped right behind Zelk. He followed the boy in to the kitchen, trying to catch up with him.

Some of the boys were watching with dumb smiles and taking bets on who would win. TapL was groaning because he had been hopped over twice in a row, Finn laughing and trying to cheer him up. The only boy no where to be seen was Darryl, at least, he WAS no where to be seen.

Zelk tried to take a sharp turn around the counter, but ran straight into something, or should I say, someone. He fell to the ground, groaning in pain. He tilted his head up, being met with the face of Darryl. The brunette glared down at the boy, snatching the plush out of his hands.

' ' What the heck was that for? ' ' Zelk snapped, annoyed by the boy's actions. Darryl stayed quiet for a moment, debating whether or not the answer the question.

' ' You made pumpkin sad. . . ' ' Darryl answered, Zelk getting up with a huff. He walked off to the group of boys, leaving Darryl with the plushie. Zak stood at the other side of the counter, walking over the Darryl quietly.

' ' Thanks.. I guess ' ' Zak giggled nervously, the brunette pushing the plushie into his arms.

' ' Don't mention it.. ' ' Darryl turned away, trying to avoid eye contact with the boy. Zak shrugged, walking over to the living room again to join his friends. He sat down on a chair next to the couch, where the rest of his friends were sat.

' ' You owe my five bucks! ' ' Vurb laughed, holding his hand out towards Spifey.

' ' No I don't! You bet that Zak would get the plushie back on his own! ' ' Spifey argued. ' ' I said he wouldn't! So you owe me! ' '

' ' No! I said he'd get it back! And he did! ' ' Vurb screamed with a stupid grin. ' ' Pay up! ' '

Spifey groaned, digging in his pocket to get some money. He pulled out five dollars, slapping Vurb's hand when he put them in.

' ' OW! ' ' Vurb said, still taking the money with his unharmed hand.

' ' Hush up you two! TapL wants me to tell him about what happened to Wilbur and why he had a broken arm ' ' Zelk yelled at the boys, both of them going silent. Zelk had a smug smile as he cleared his throat.

' ' So, Wilbur and Sally were a thing and he was going to her cheer practice ' ' Zelk began, Spifey tilting his head slightly.

' ' I thought they weren't dating? ' ' He stated, sounding more like a question.

' ' They're on and off ' ' Zelk explained, getting a small 'oh ' from the boy. ' ' So they were at her cheer practice and Wil was talking to some of the other girls there for when him and Sally were off again. ' '

Zak listened, this was the first story he had gotten this far through without zoning out. Don't get him wrong, he loved Zelk's stories, he just had a problem with zoning out.

' ' and those other girls are loyal as HELL to Sally ' ' Zelk explained, dragging out the 'e' sound of 'hell'. Zak felted a gentle pull on his sleeve, looking over to what was causing it. He saw Darryl sitting on the arm of the chair, tugging on Zak's sleeve to get attention. His expression looked like a cat that hadn't gotten attention in years.

' ' Not now.. ' ' Zak whispered, brushed the boy off, turning his head to look back at Zelk. Darryl didn't like this action one bit. He stood up, walking away with an inaudible sound of annoyance. Zak rolled his eyes, turning his full attention to his friend's story.

' ' So after he FINALLY got the door unlocked, he saw all the girls from before standing there with bats and one of them had a golf club for some reason. ' ' Zelk continued, Zak being a little disappointed he missed some of the story. The group all stopped and turned their heads when they heard a loud thud from the kitchen.

Zak sheepishly turned for having a look of confusion on his face. He stared at Darryl, who was standing next to the counter with a bunch of plastic cups all over the ground. The brunette stared at the group for a moment before walked away to Zak's room. The group turned to Zak, a silence falling over them. The silence didn't last long, because it was broken by Vurb.

' ' I'm sorry to break it to you ' ' He started ' ' But your friend is a cat ' '

The group laughed as Zak stood up, walked towards the hallway. He stopped at his door, wondering why the demon was being so.. strange? Cat like? He didn't know how to describe it. He opened the door, walking in and shutting it behind himself. He was met with a large box turned on its side. He walked over to the opening, seeing the demon inside, facing away from him. He was in his demon form as he sat there, a masked emotion hidden in his crimson eyes. He was holding a pumpkin plush tightly, resting his arms on his knees which were pulled up to his chest. Zak sat down next to the box, staring at the demon inside.

' ' Hey... you okay in there? ' ' Zak asked with an awkward giggle. The demon didn't respond, Zak's smile falling.

' ' look... I'm sorry.. ' ' Zak admitted, the demon making an audible noise of confusion. ' ' I thought you could handle being ignored and I was wrong ' ' He said, defeated. ' ' I'll leave you alone if you don't want me here... ' '

He went to get up but was stopped by a hand grabbing his wrist. He looked down to see Good partially out of the box, using one hand to hold himself up and using the other to keep Zak from leaving. Zak gave a warm smile before sitting back down next to the demon.

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