Scaredy Cat

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-3rd person Darryl POV-

Darryl walked down the hall with Zak, feeling all of the eyes on him and the smaller boy. He would put his wing around the boy to make him hidden from the unblinking eyes, but he couldn't turn into demon form now. Not here. Not while there's a possibility he could see.

He shook his head. No, don't think about it. The brunette sped up slightly to be closer to the boy as they walked. He wanted to whisper to the boy to calm him down but it would only collect more gazes.

He just put a hand on his backpack, lightly pushing on it to signal for the boy to move faster. Zak seemed to understand, picking up his pace. Darryl shot a quick glare at a large group that was staring at him and Zak. The group turned their heads as to not make eye contact with the new kid. He almost shoved Zak around the corner, letting out a sigh. Zak looked over his shoulder, half turning towards the brunette.

' ' Is all the staring, like.. normal? ' ' Darryl asked, a little embarrassed. Zak nodded slightly with a soft chuckle.

' ' Sorry, you don't have to walk with me if you don't want to ' ' The raven haired boy apologized, smiling warmly to the other boy.

' ' No, no, I'll deal with it ' ' Darryl said, shaking his head ' ' It's my job to protect you, so I have to stay near you ' ' The brunette could hear a devilish giggle come from Zak.

' ' Oh really? ' ' The boy said with a smirk, Darryl raising an eyebrow.

' ' Yes...? ' ' he answered, not exactly knowing where this was going. Zak smirked, taking a step backward. Darryl narrowed his eyes' ' what are you- ' ' Before he could finish, Zak ran off giggling. Darryl ran after him, yelling for the boy to stop.

'This little bitch-' The brunette thought, chasing the smaller boy through the halls. ' ' Get back here! ' ' he yelled to the boy. Zak stuck out his tongue, rushing to keep away from the brunette. 

' ' You're not that good of a protector if you can't catch up to me before I get to my next class!' ' Zak challenged the demon. Darryl fell for the taunt, his eyes narrowing. He quickened his dash, pupils turning to slits that were solely focused on the raven haired boy. Zak peered over his shoulder as he turned sharply around a corner. 

Darryl could hear giggled coming from the boy as he ran past the lockers. When he turned the corner, the boy was nowhere to be seen. He scanned the area before hearing breathing. He looked at the lockers, tracing them up until he saw the boy sitting atop them, kicking his feet happily like a little kid.

Darryl smugly smirked, walking over to the lockers. He stared up at him and gave a sinister grin, Zak tilting his head slightly in confusion of why the brunette did something like that. Darryl kicked the lockers roughly, Zak losing his balance. Darryl took his arms out of his pockets, holding them out, hands up, the boy falling into them bridal style. 

' ' Not so confident now, are we?' ' the brunette chuckled, Zak tilting his head forward defeated groan. He crossed his arms, giving a pouting face to the boy.

' ' Can you put me down now? ' ' He asked as Darryl's pupils returned to normal.

' ' Not after a stunt like that, I'll put you down when you're at class ' ' the brunette shook his head slowly, his glasses slightly down.

He carried the boy, making Zak become red with embarrassment. No one was ever in this part of the hall, so no one would see them until they got to class. Darryl carried the whining boy, ignoring his annoyed protests to be put down.

Darryl was annoyed by the constant protests. It was like a little kid complaining that he didn't want to go to bed. It was something he had to deal with during one of his shorter jobs. He vaguely remembered that a mother had summoned an angel and a demon to take care of her children. The angel was very annoying in Darryl's opinion. What was their name again? He couldn't quite remember anymore.

He let out a sigh, ready to just drop the boy. Wait. . .Darryl jerked his torso downwards, making the smaller boy think he had let go. Zak let out a high pitched scream, his arms wrapping tightly around Darryl's neck. He closed his eyes, burying his face into the crook of the brunette's neck. Darryl burst out laughing, bringing his arms back up.

' ' You're too fucking easy! ' ' He laughed, not even trying to keep his composure. Zak picked up his head, letting go of Darryl. Darryl had a slightly offended look in his eyes from the action. He continued chuckling as he carried the angered boy. 

' ' Who's the cat now? ' ' Darryl asked with a smirk. ' ' Scaredy cat ' ' He finished with a grin, his sharp canines visible. 

' ' Shut up. . . ' ' Zak turned his head away, furrowing his eyebrows. ' ' You're still a cat you pumpkin head... ' ' Zak mumbled the last part quietly.

' ' What did you say, Pumpkin? ' ' Darryl narrowed his eyes, keeping his grin. 

' ' N-nothing! ' ' Zak nervously chuckled. Darryl rolled his eyes, continuing to walk. Zak went quiet when the brunette did. He stared at the boy's emerald eyes, wondering why they turned a bright red when he turned into a demon.

Before he knew it, he was dropped. He didn't fall far, being stopped by a chair under him. He looked back at Darryl, who now sat next to him. He tried to keep a smile, even though he already could sense a familiar aura. Darryl scanned the room, his eyes landing on a boy with black hair and a white and black sweater.

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