School's A Bitch

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-3rd Person Zak POV-

Zak smiled as he listened to his friend talk about his weekend. The two walked through the school halls, heading to their lockers as they passed all the others.

' ' So after the sleepover, I just went home and played some Minecraft ' ' Spifey explained as they walked past the lockers. ' ' And this kid was TOTALLY hacking. Like- he was flying and had like speed 10 or something ' ' Spifey continued, seeming to begin a rant.

' ' But this kid was so bad that even with hacks, I still beat him! And then- ' ' Spifey was about to continue, but was cut off by him walking into something, or should I say, someone. Zak turned his head to look at what his friend had run into, seeing that it was a tall boy with fluffy brown hair.

Spifey turned looked up at the boy who was now glaring down at him. ' ' Watch where you're going next time ' ' The tall boy spoke, his voice clearly showing his annoyance.

' ' Yes, Sir! sorry Wilbur... It won't happen again ' ' Zak nervously said, grabbing his friend by the arm and pulling him away. He rushed down the hall, tugging Spifey behind him as he did. Once they had made it to a safe distance, Zak turned to face Spifey.

' ' Are you serious? That could have ended HORRIBLY ' ' Zak said in almost a worried shout. ' ' Remember what happened last time? ' ' Zak's voice softened as Spifey's gaze shifted to the ground. His friend nodded slightly, Zak let out a sigh.

' ' I'll see you at lunch, don't bump into anyone else, okay? ' ' Zak said with a giggle. Spifey smiled and nodded in response, walking off to get to his locker.

Zak's smile faded when his friend was out of sight, there was no point forcing it when no one cared enough to look. Don't get this wrong, Zak was usually a happy person. It's just when he's at school. He feels like no one cares, like no one would bat an eye if he disappeared.

He walked over to his locker, opening it to get to the supplies inside. He grabbed the needed books, placing them in his bag.

Zak let out a soft sigh, closing his locker and turning around. He walked through the halls, knowing the bell would ring any minute. He walked faster, a sense of dread filling him as he grew closer to his classroom. He stopped when he heard the sound of the bell fill his ears.

' oh no- '

He broke out of his frozen state and ran through the hall, trying his best to keep his balance. He stopped dead in his tracks when he reached the door of his first class. His hand trembled as he reached it out towards the door knob. A chill ran up his arm when his fingers touched the cold object, turning it and feeling the door open. He slowly pulls it enough to get in, pulling himself inside the class.

He noticed all the eyes on him once he entered, he had never been the type to be late.

' ' May I know why you're late Mr. Ahmed? ' ' The teacher spoke, raising an eyebrow. Zak's face became red with embarrassment as he tried to find the right words.

' ' Well um.. I just um.. I... uh.. ' ' Zak stuttered, unable to find a good reason for being a few seconds late for class. When you read that sentence, you may think it's not a big deal. But if you have ever had ANY school experience, you have at least seen people being late to class. And you can get away with things like this with a chill teacher.

Zak did not have a chill teacher.

' ' I'll let it slide just this once, but that's only because you're one of my favorites ' ' The teacher sighed. Most of the students burst into laughter while others dramatically gasped. One even fell to the floor and fake cried.

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