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-3rd person Zak POV-

Zak sat at the counter, eyes half closed. He was grumbling under his breath because the demon had forced him to wake up an hour early. He sipped some coffee, trying to keep himself awake while he waited for Good. He let his eyes close, reasoning in his mind that he was just resting them.

' ' DON'T YOU DARE FALL ASLEEP WHILE I'M NOT LOOKING! ' ' Good yelled from Zak's room. The raven haired boy shove up in his seat, almost falling backwards out of his chair. He caught his balance and glared at the hallway leading to his room.

' ' yeah yeah... I'm awake.. ' ' He mumbled, not caring it Good had heard it or not. Zak was about to doze off again before he remembered that the demon was in his room. alone. Zak knew nothing bad had happened so far but he still had a feeling in his gut that someone wouldn't be safe if Good was alone. He shot off his chair, barely catching himself on his feet. 

He ran down the hall, almost tripping multiple times. He didn't bother to knock when he arrived at the door, opening it almost immediately. He was met with the sigh of Good, in his human for, Darryl, pulling up some black nail polish Zak forgot he had. Darryl got up from the bed, where he had apparently been sitting while painting his nails. Like some sort of confident fucking god.

Zak just stared, not really expecting the room to still be in... one piece? clean? not looking like a ferial cat had just been in there? Whichever it was, Darryl caught onto Zak staring, a smirk pulling at his lips when he realized. An idea popped into his head when he remembered he was in his human form.

' ' Do you need something? Or am I just too hot to handle? ' ' Darryl asked with a smug grin. Zak's face immediately went completely red, eyes widening.

' ' What- no but- that's not to say you don't look good! I mean you don't look like good good- but you look amazing! I mean- it's not that you aren't good looking in general! Quite the opposite! Wait- but I don't mean that to say- ' ' Zak stuttered out, trying to explain himself. He was failing.Darryl burst out in laughter, rolling on the bed, clenching his stomach. Zak groaned, feeling completely and utterly embarrassed. Darryl calmed himself pretty quickly, grabbing Zak's bag and putting it on the shorter boy's shoulders.

' ' But really, I'm gonna be going to school with you today, and probably until my job is over. Don't worry, I filled out the paperwork and such while you were asleep ' ' Good said with a chuckle. ' ' Then I can keep an eye on you all day, everyday ' ' He smiled.

-Time skip bc yes-

Zak got on the bus, Darryl following close behind him. Zak could hear people crumpling up paper balls and making paper airplanes almost as soon as he got on. He let out a sigh, staring at the seats, not knowing where to sit where he wouldn't be bothered. He jumped slightly when he felt cold breath on the back of his neck.

' ' Go take a seat ' ' Darryl whispered, even though the words had no malicious intent, they still sent a chill down Zak's spine. When Zak looked back at the other students, they were all in shock, some seeming nervous. Zak didn't dare look back at what look Darryl had given to make some of the boldest kids shake in fear.

He spotted his friend TapL, deciding to sit across from him. As he approached the seat, he heard a kid yell out an insult he didn't quite hear. He turned his head to see a boy named Toby throwing a paper ball at him. Before it could hit him, a hand swatted it back at the boy, hitting him in the head. Toby fell back in his seat, the entire bus erupting in laughter. Zak sat down in his seat, TapL looking at him with a face of concern.

' ' When did he start going to our school? ' ' TapL whispered to Zak ' ' And when did he get so dang intimidating?! ' ' TapL went silent as Darryl sat down next to Zak, acting like a shield between him and the other kids.

Zak turned his head and faced the window, staring at the blurred objects passing by.

'This is gonna be a rough day...'

-Time skip again because mom said it's my turn with them-

Zak walked through the large doors, letting more light into the slightly dimmed hall. He could feel a million eyes on him as he had a larger boy following right behind him. He tensed up as he walked, Darryl noticing this and stepping a few feet back to give him some room. He could hear girls whispering and gossiping already, boys just staring in awe. Everyone else was basically just standing there not paying attention because they didn't fucking care.

A group of boys appeared as Zak approached his locker. He knew the group all too well, they had tormented him for his entire life at this horrid school. He walked over the the group, stopping a bit away from them.

He looked over the group to see who was there that day.The first he spotted was Wilbur, who was leaning against his locker lazily. A boy named Fundy stood next to him, seeming to be bragging about some accomplishment. He was wearing a black jacket with some pins over a plain white T-shirt. He also had a hat on with fake fox ears attached, wonder why he isn't bullied....

The next was Toby, who was standing close to Wilbur. Thomas was next to him, keeping himself close to Toby. There was also a boy with dirty blond hair standing with his back facing towards Zak. Zak didn't know much about him, but he thought his name was 'Clay' or something close to that.

Sometimes a boy named Karl was with them, but he was much nicer than the others. Karl always wore the oddest clothes and ended up mixing up their names sometimes. Karl was able to hang out with anyone at any time and no one ever questioned it. He was once talking to Zak when he called him 'Skippy' or something along those lines. Wait, had Karl been calling him a peanut butter brand? Zak didn't understand and just brushed it off, he never really questioned it since then.

Toby turned to him first, narrowing his eyes at the boy. Wilbur turned next, a smug smirk pulling at his lips.

' ' Well, well, well... ' ' He said with a sinister grin. ' ' If it isn't our favorite white boy ' '

Zak didn't understand why they said that line because it didn't exactly fit with his skin tone but he never corrected them because he would probably get beat up.

' ' Toby told us what happened ' ' Fundy stated, glaring at Zak. Zak felt a chill run down his spine, knowing what was to come. ' ' And we think you might need to learn a little lesson ' ' He chuckled. Zak took a step back, widening his eyes when a brunette stepped in front of him.

' ' Back off bitch.. ' ' Darryl snapped, the group taken aback by the unknown boy speaking up. Fundy scoffed, walking towards Zak. He reached out to grab Zak's arm, but his wrist was quickly gripped by Darrly.

' ' I said... ' '

' ' BACK. OFF. ' ' The brunette moved behind the boy, and in a swift motion he kicked his back, sending the boy face first into the ground. He stepped on the boy's back, pressing down to keep him in place as he held the boy's arm up.

The group fell silent, eyes wide as small groans of pain came from Fundy. The entire hall had their eyes on them, everyone speechless. It took a few moments before anyone had the courage to speak up.

' ' HEY! EVERYONE! ' ' The blond yelled, breaking the tense silence. ' ' ZAK'S GOT A BOYFRIEND! ' ' 

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