The Summoning

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-3rd Person Zak POV-

Zak made his was around the pentagram, setting down vermillion candles in small red circles. He looked at his phone to make sure he was doing the setup right, staring at it and back at the ritual. He noticed that he has one candle more than he needed, setting it aside. His parents were out for a week on a business trip, making it the perfect time to do this.

He put his phone in his pocket, walking over to the side of the pentagram and sitting down. He lit the candles one by one, the flames dancing slowly. He struggled to pick up a book that sat beside him, dropping it in his lap. ' ' This is stupid... ' ' He said to himself, trying to confirm his beliefs that it was all fake.

Zak wondered how his friends would react if it actually worked, even though he was mostly sure it wouldn't. His friends were the ones who dared him to do this. They said that if it did work, then he would have something to keep him safe from bullying.

You see, Zak had always been on the shy side, not having the strength to fight back against most. This made it very easy for people to pick on him. His friends tried to stand up for him but they weren't able to be with him all the time. The previous night, he had a sleepover with his friends, this being the night that he was dared to summon a demon.

Zak sighed, opening the book in his lap. He looked over the incantation a few times before trying to read it aloud. He knew he slipped up on a few words, a little bit of him hoping that would make the ritual fail. He finished reading out the incantation, sitting in silence as nothing happened. He let out a sigh of relief after a few seconds ' nothing happened.. '

He smiled to himself, happy that the ritual must have been fake. He stood up, going to reach for the lighter on the floor. He froze as the embers on the candles turned an icy blue color. He gained control of his body again, stepping back a few feet. He watched in horror as a figure began to rise out of the pentagram.

The figure was wearing a white hood and had white, bat like wings protruding from its back. The figure was facing away from him, seeming to take in its surroundings. The figure snapped its head to the side, Zak able to see its red pupils.

Zak ran to his room, forgetting to lock the door behind him. His gaze shot around the room until it settled on the closet. He rushed over and got in, closing the doors just enough to where there was a small crack to see out of. He sat down behind some clothes, hoping it was a good enough hiding spot.

He stayed as silent as possible as he heard footsteps outside the room. He could barely hear some muffled words, unable to tell what the creature had said. His eyes widened when he saw the door open with a creek. The creature stepped in, Zak able to see it was wearing tall, black boots.

Zak held his breath as the creature walked around his room. It stopped next to the bed, facing away from Zak once again. Zak noticed a thin, almost line tail like that had a bit of white fur on the end, some what resembling a lion's tail but much longer. He saw it feel the bed sheets with its hands, its black fingerless gloves pressed tightly against its body.

Zak tensed up as the as the creature turned around to face the closet. He pressed his back against the wall, the creature taking long strides towards the closet doors. He covered his mouth with his hand in a desperate attempt to not be heard breathing. The creature slowly crept its clawed hands into the opening in the door, slowly pulling it open.

Zak was shaking as the other door swung open, the creature standing there. He shot his arms up to cover his face, a clawed hand grabbing the collar of his sweatshirt. He felt himself being picked up off the ground but still being too scared to look at the creature, keeping his eyes closed.

' ' L-Let go of me! ' ' Zak yelled out, blindly kicking at where he thought the creature was. He heard a scoff from the creature as he was dropped. He let out a yelp when he hit the ground, reaching his arm behind himself to rub his lower back.

He opened his eyes, looking down at the creature tapping its foot impatiently. He slowly lifted his head up to look at the creature's face. Its body was covered in white fur, the clothing choice seeming as if it was trying to seem intimidating, and it worked. The creature's face showed annoyance as it scrunched up its nose.

Zak was surprised when the creature extended a hand to help him up. Zak hesitantly grabbed the creature's hand, being quickly pulled to his feet. The creature took a step back, placing a hand behind its back and bowing in front of the boy.

' ' I am Goodboyhalo, at your service ' ' It spoke, the voice clearly a male's. The creature cleared his throat, standing straight up. ' ' I have been summoned to be your personal demon. Before we proceed with any commands, I will tell you the basics of what you've gotten yourself into ' ' The demon said, Zak still trying to comprehend what was happening.

' ' Every personal demon must follow the summoner's commands. If the summoner is unpleased with their demon, then they may send them back whenever they wish. No one can see a demon unless they are told they exist ' ' The demon robotically recited. He looked at Zak's confused expression and groaned. ' ' Any questions, summoner? ' '

' ' C-can you.. not call me that? ' ' Zak stuttered, still fearing for his life at the fact he had summoned a literal demon from Hell. The demon furrowed his eyebrows ' ' Fine, don't let me talk formally, you little shit. ' ' Zak has a mix of emotions, fear, confusion, and others he couldn't identify.

' ' So, what do you need me to do? ' ' Good spoke again, tapping his foot again. Zak didn't respond, only tilted his head slightly. The demon let out a sigh of annoyance ' ' Look, kid. I've done this MANY times before. Everyone summons us for something, so why did you summon me? ' '

Zak contemplated his response for a moment before speaking. ' ' Um.. My friends dared me... ' ' Zak said, trying his best not to stutter. Good's expression became one that was unamused, picking up his hands to rub his temples. ' ' Okay.. whatever.. so why exactly did they want you to summon a creature from literal Hell? ' '

' ' Oh um- they wanted someone to... ' ' Zak started, mumbling the last few words enough to make them unrecognizable. ' ' What was that? You sound like you lost your damn voice at the end there ' ' Good responded, hissing at the smaller boy. ' ' They um... wanted someone to protect me or something... ' ' Zak spoke again, still partially mumbling.

' ' I can work with that. But listen up kid, if I'm stuck with you, then we need some ground rules' ' Good said with a small snarl. Zak nodded slightly, Good taking it as him being ready to hear his needs. ' ' Okay, first off, you speak up when I talk to you. I don't want to have to make you repeat yourself over and over, I just met you and I already hate your voice ' ' Zak felt slightly hurt by the demon's comment, but he was hurt by almost any hateful comment.

' ' Second, don't bother me. Trust me kid, you're not going to like me when I'm annoyed ' ' Zak mentally noted what might annoy the demon ' everything '. The demon took a few seconds to think of what else he needed to make an official rule.

' ' Next, don't touch me, I don't like you at all ' ' The demon growled, Zak taking a half step back. 

' ' Also, I can take whatever I want from you, whenever I want ' ' Zak only nodded, noticing he wasn't giving many responses to the demon.

Zak noticed the demon look him up and down, his harsh gaze softening slightly. He stiffened when his eyes met Zak's, quickly turning away from the smaller boy. 

' ' Well I'm going explore your house, maybe there will be SOMETHING worth while in here ' ' The demon scoffed, walking out of the room.

' ' well- I guess I live with a demon now.. ' ' 

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