English Class

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-3rd Person Darryl POV-

The brunette was focused on a black haired boy near the front of the class. The boy had a simple black and white sweater with a panda head embroidered on the front. He was sat next to a boy Darryl didn't recognize. He couldn't see the boy's hair, seeing as it was covered by a dark blue beanie. He also had a deep purple-ish blue turtle neck on. 

The boys were happily chatting with each other, making jokes and laughing. Darryl stared blankly, feeling a pang of sorrow when he remembered the past. It was all too familiar. The dumb jokes. The uncontrollable laughter. The soft giggles. The comforting silence. He missed it. 

Why did someone have to summon him here? Of all places he could have been brought to. It was a nightmare to feel all of their guilt and hate. All he wanted was to go back and fix everything. He wanted to go back before everything was gone. But he had given up on that dream after is fourteenth summoning. That may be specific, but he had his reasons. That summoning was one of the worst. At least, for Good it was. 

He shook his head, snapping out of his thoughts. He noticed the teacher walk in, holding a stack of papers in their arms. They walked over to their desk, placing the papers down near the edge. They turned to the class, correcting their posture. 

' ' Hello again! I hope all of you have had a lovely day so far! ' ' They smiled, some of the class responding with subtle nods. 

Darryl stared, wondering if he had seen them before. Their hair was decently long, colored an unnatural bright pink, being kept out of their face with a heart hair clip. Their eyes were either blue or purple, Darryl being unable to tell from where he was sitting. They were wearing a half way buttoned up black sweater with a matching ebony choker. The white t-shirt underneath had a pink heart on the chest. They had jeans as a bottom, their phone outlined in one of the pockets. 

They scanned the classroom, seeing all the tired students. The door opened again, a short boy stumbling in, holding a few binders in his arms. The boy had medium length, light blue hair. He, like Darryl, had bright green eyes. He stumbled his way to the desk, setting down the binders next to the papers. 

' ' How come he gets to be late?! ' ' Wilbur shouted, standing up quickly, slamming his hands on the desk with a loud noise. The entire class turned and looked at the brunette who was in rage that the boy hadn't gotten in trouble. The teacher ignored him for a moment, patting the short boy on the head.

' ' Thank you, Quill! ' ' The blue haired boy smiled at the validation. He walked off to his seat happily. The teacher turned her attention back to the still fuming Wilbur. 

' ' He was helping me ' ' They said calmly. 

' ' So he is allowed to be late ' '

' ' That's Bullshit Professor Xenia! ' ' A kid yelled from the back, somewhere near Wilbur. 

He realized it was that Fundy kid he had completely destroyed earlier. The boy glared at the blue haired male, who was now sitting in his desk quietly. 

' ' Lower your voice ' ' They scolded the boy. ' ' and watch your language in my classroom!' ' They narrowed their eyes as the boy sat back down with a huff. The teacher cleared their throat, picking up one of the papers. Their eyes scanned the paper, reading over it.

' ' Today, we will be doing a group project! ' ' They smiled, the class groaning in return. ' ' Hey! I don't have a choice on this one, I have to do this whole project with principals orders ' ' They explained, the class's expressions not changing.

' ' so, you will be writing a narrative story together and making a cover for it ' ' They explained, some the kids in the class giving another student the best friend look. ' ' Me and the art teacher have decided to partner up for this ' ' They put their hand on the desk, leaning against it. One kid raised her hand, the teacher nodding to her for her to speak. 

' ' You know the art teacher? I thought they didn't interact with anyone but the principal? ' ' She questioned, earning a giggle from their teacher. 

' ' Of course I know them, we were close friends before they took this job and we never really stopped hanging out ' ' they explained with a smile, the girl making an :0 face and nodding, showing she now understood. 

' ' anyway, the story itself will be a grade for this class, and the cover will be a grade for the art class ' ' They said, moving over to the whiteboard. They wrote down the information they had just said for anyone who hadn't been paying attention. 

' ' I will be allowing you to pick your groups, but I'm going to have to see who's in the group together and approve it ' ' They walked over to their seat, sitting down and letting the chair spin around a few times.

The class began talking, choosing partners and making groups. Darryl got up, grabbing Zak's sleeve and dragging him along. He walked over to the black haired boy who was now talking to his friend as they left to partner up with two of their other classmates. Darryl cleared his throat to get their attention, the boy turning his head. He nearly fell out of his seat when he saw the brunette.

' ' Oh my goodness- ' ' he went silent as he jumped up, hugging the brunette tightly. The brunette let go of Zak's wrist, hugging the boy back.

' ' Long time no see, pandas! ' ' He said happily, spinning the smaller boy around. The boy nodded, giggling joyfully.

' ' How about you work with me and pumpkin here so we can catch up, eh? ' ' he offered, the boy nodded quickly.

' ' I'm happy to see you, Napsap... ' ' Darryl said softly, his gaze softening as well. Zak stared at them, the name sounding too familiar.

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