I Need You To Stay Strong

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It’s been a month since the screaming and pain started, I felt useless in my own home. Dan’s not sleeping, so I’m not sleeping then during the day I’m consoling him. The pain is getting worse, his screams are getting louder, begging for mercy which just puts him in more pain.

Tonight was a bad night. It was 3 hours in and I was drinking coffee, hearing everything he says. Then while I was intensely listening he screamed a comment I never wanted to hear again: “Just kill me!” Today, now is the only time he has ever said it, pain washed over me and questions where running through my head.

Maybe I was making it worse? By staying... I don’t want to hurt him more! I love him... I could leave him, plus he’s in this pain because of me, for me. I need some sleep.

The next morning was slightly awkward. I eventually got at least some sleep, though not very much but just enough to function. I have to ask Dan why he said what he said last night... While the silence engulfed us while eating our breakfast, he kept taking slight glances and just as if he read my mind comments, “I’m sorry I said what I said, I didn’t mean it... It just hurt a lot more than usual.” He grabbed my hand over the table and laced our fingers together, his thumb rubbing the side of my hand absentmindedly. “I never want to leave you Phil, never in a million years! Though your wings are white as snow and mine black as the night sky I love you and I will try to make this work even if it does kill me.” He leaned in and kissed me, no lust, just love for the person you cherish most.

We ended up going out that night... I say night more like pre-evening, before everything starts. We were flying higher and higher into the white tinted clouds, glowing from the moonlight shining through them.  Dan was so much more elegant than I, his wings magnificent against the star light. His face was so content like there was nothing impure about him, nothing cruel or hurtful there was just him in this moment... Happy. “I love you Daniel Howell with all of my heart and soul.” He looked down as he heard me say it, my breathing hitched (even know) as he dropped down to be beside me. “Guess what Mr Phillip Lester, I love you with all of my heart and all of my soul and everything in-between because I could never live without my angle.” He wrapped his wings around my body keeping my close to his chest, so close I can feel his body heat radiating off of him. We were about to kiss as a shooting star shot above our heads, creating a glow line in its wake. “Make a wish my angle.” He whispered close to my ear, kissing my neck as we hugged. I wish for everything to be normal again.

Flying home in silence was driving me insane! My thoughts were over powering my emotions, in every way I was conflicted. Does Dan really want me around? Of course he does he loves me he said so earlier... But does he? I don’t know what’s happening. Dan must have psychic powers and must be able to read my mind because, he perks up. “Phil, Honey, I need you to stay strong, please... for me. I love you too much to lose you.” With that silence engulfed us again and more thoughts were running, racing through my mind.

Getting home we were both exhausted and slightly sweaty, taking off our shirts to cool down. Looking over at Dan’s wings in awe, he turned round and I saw a flash of light near the tips of his wings. “Dan, come here a second.” He turned again and I saw the flash of light once more, seeing the flash Dan winced in pain. Picking up the ends of Dan’s wings pure shock and bliss filled my emotions as I caressed the soft feathers in the palm of my hand. “Phil? What is it?” Unable to comprehend why or how it was happening; I spoke up, “Dan... Your wings are turning white.”

I am so shit at updating this story. It has literlly almost been a year. I hope you like this update hopefully it will be updated every weekend (hopefully)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2015 ⏰

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