Love Without Limits

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Pj was coming over, I was hoping pain wouldn't be induced on me.

"Phil are you sure it's the best idea for Pj to come round?" I was making sure my wing was tucked in my t-shirt and jeans, stupid big wings! "Babe you'll be fine besides you said it only happens at night, right?” I blushed at the nickname, he walked up and put his arms around my waist placing his head on my left shoulder. “Yeah you’re right.” I wriggled in his arms so i was facing him my hands know on his waist. He was leaning in our lips so close together when the doorbell goes, Pj. Phil looked at me expectantly, “One kiss, to get me through the day?” I laughed and pulled him into a passionate but love filled kissas the doorbell went again. “We have an impatient Pj at our door.” I said as I walked to open it.

Opening the door Pj looked stressed. “Finally! What happened yesterday? Phil told me you where busy but he was panicking!” Damn... “Uhh I was busy yesterday I saw an old friend and left my phone at home... I don’t know why Phil was worried I left a note. Didn’t you find it?” He looked confused but then it clicked. ”No, I was so worried, sorry Pj.” His face relax instantly. “Damn you guys scared the life out of me! Ok now that’s over what do you guys wanna do?” I looked at Phil and I knew what he wanted to do... No! To sit and cuddle with a movie. “Why do we watch a movie? Then go out for late night shopping?” Phil’s face lit up at the movie but got worried at late ‘night’ shopping. I sent him a look saying ill be fine, but he didn’t look convinced. “Ok then, movie? Pj you choose as you are our friend and guest in our home.” We all laughed as we sat to watch Sherlock even though it isn’t a film it’s the length of one.

Phil sat next to me and Pj on the arm chair. Phil kept moving closer and closer to me silently placing his arm around my shoulders withour Pj noticing. I snuggle into his chest closing my eyes falling asleep to Sherlock and Phil’s heartbeat.

I awoke a little later to Phil and Pjs voices also hearing that Sherlock has ended. “So Phil you and Dan are only friends?” I felt Phil nod his head as a yes. “Well he certainly looks peaceful.” I felt Phil grasp my hand and squeeze tightly. “Well its nice to see him sleep he doesn’t get to sleep till 1 usually... It worries me.” He looked down half smelling my hair and his heart rate soured and so did mine, he took my pulse and he knew i was awake. “Want to know a secrete Pj? Dan can never know!” Wow he sounded genuinely serious “What up Phil?” Pj sounded scared he was always scared. “Pj im gay ... and completely and utterly in love with Dan, I couldn’t imagine life without him in it and I would not ruin our friendship because of my never dyeing love for my best friend.” He bent down and kissed my hair. “Phil... I... don’t know what to say, what are you going to tell Dan?” he checked my pulse and it had skyrocketed and in the same rhythm of his. “Nothing I’m going to say nothing, like I have from the first day I met him and saw his beautiful chocolate brown eyes and the smooth flow of his voice in my ears and how soft his tanned skin is against mine. I will say nothing a neither will you!” He really panicked, good show. “I promise I won’t say a word.”

Pj left after that while I was ‘asleep’, after I heard the door closed i looked into his icy eyes, “Did you mean what you said?” I saw the love in his eyes. “Of course I did! I love you Dan!” I saw everything in his eyes as i had in my own towards him. Love. I reache dup and passionately kissed him. “I love you to.”

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