Is It A Dream Or Reality?

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I dreamt I was flying with Dan all around London, looking over the bright lights below us. Seeing the traffic, the lights of night clubs then flying around Big Ben and the London eye hand in hand. Flying to the tallest building and just sitting and being just that much closer to the stars. Then sharing a kiss that would make me feel over the moon.

I awoke with a start wish the dream was real. "You ok? What ya dream about?" Should I tell him? Yes but not the last part obviously. "Well it was about us ... we were flying through London, the light beneath us going over Big Ben and see the light on the London eye and ... and-" I was smiling like mad! I want it to be real! "And you want it to come true?" He said, as if reading my mind. "Yes but ... it probably won't happen." my face dropped of its smile as I looked down sad, while getting off the sofa to go to my room. Dan watched me walk away, I felt his eyes on me.

That day I was tired. Went on twitter, tumblr, Facebook even but I got board so decided to make a video.

I put on a shirt to hide my wings, making sure the camera couldn't see them or I would be dead for sure! I sort of bad an idea for a video but it didn't go as planned.

For 3 hours I sat there, talking rubbish to a camera it was the only that would listen. When I stopped recording, I edit.

After an hour or so it was dark and I began think of my dream again. I wish it was real, the trip, the kiss, why was I in love with my best friend?

There was a bang outside my door bringing me back to reality. Dan burst through the door, "What? Dan what are you doing?" He grabbed my hand dragging me to the balcony, letting go of my handheld said, "Take if your shirt!" He was doing the same ad stepping onto the railing. "Why?" I was now stepping on to the railing, mine and Dan's wings spread out. He grabbed my hand again. "We're gunna make your dream come true." He smirked "1.2.3 JUMP!" as we both jumped into free fall.

Dan opened his wings making us bounce back up. "So what was first on your list?" I had to think to my dream, as Dan was flying for the both of us. "It was just flying over London and seeing the lights." He smiled, as I started to fly for myself as Dan grabbed my hand, (again) his right wing right over the top if me as it was so big.

We were flying, seeing the traffic below and people like ants. I heard Dan singing softly "The city never sleeps at night. It's time to begin." He stopped knowing I was listening, so I sang the next line, "Isn't it. I get a little but bigger the day ill admit." He turned as he heard me, a smile from ear to ear so as we flew we sang to our hearts content.

"So what now Phil, after all this is your dream?" He now had his hands around my waist. "Big Ben and the London Eye." With his hands still around my waist we speed around Big Ben, hearing it chime to 11 o'clock, making my ears ring. "It's amazing up here!" I had to yell over the noise. "I know it's beautiful!" He yelled back. Now moving onto the London Eye going round and round to the top and seeing the Thames.

"So now is the tallest building to see the stars. Right?" I nod at him as we fly at the top a building.

"Is this the same as your dream Phil?" He said lying down to look at the stars, I did the same next to him. "This was perfect, better than my dream." He chuckled slightly and I could see his chest rise and fall in the corner if my eye. Turning to face me, he said, "Phil, you never told me what happened at the end if your dream." I shifted my body so I was facing him as well, our noses touching. "Didn't I?" His eyes flicked from my eyes to my lips and back again. "Can I guess what happened?" I nodded as he crashed his lips to mine. I kissed back, fireworks explode and there were dozens of butterflies in my stomach. "Thats how my dream ended." As we parted for breath.

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