Oh My God What Do I Do?

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I was full on panicking! First the eyes and now my boyfriend collapsing in pain!?

I heard a phone ring from somewhere in the apartment so I went running to look for it, rushing around before it stopped dialling. I found it! Its Dans phone.

"Umm hello?"
"Err Hi Phil it's PJ, why are you answering Dans phone?"
"Because he's busy and asked me to."
"Well can I come over? I was going to talked to him about video ideas."
What am I going to do? I need to tell him something but not that he's collapse in a heap on the floor?!?
"Peej, right now isn't the best time."
"Well Dan and I have to go to the BBC to practice soon and he's busy now."
"Oh ok maybe tomorrow?"
"Sure bye Peej!"

Oh God, breath! One crisis averted now to go back to my pasted out boyfriend. MY PASTED OUT BOYFRIEND!

I rushed back up to him, luckily when he fell he didn't hit anything so I sat him up took off his shirt to revel his wings, but the were different? The tips of the wings where glowing orange like a burning fire?

After examining the wings, I picked him up bridle style and over to his bed, placing him down with care. Grabbing a chair I placed it next to him on the bed, holding his hand so tight not letting go until I can see those beautiful brown eyes again.


Sorry it's so short but I'm going to be writing more! blame an existential crisis school isn't fun haha but you probs don't care

What am I on about?

Anyways (waves hands) thanks for read over 100 read so thanks never though this story would become that big!

Thanks guys! ^.^

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