Meeting Him

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I awoke with a pain in my head. I didn’t wake in the bathroom or my bedroom and there was no Phil.

Where was I? I was in a dark room standing on glass with a fire pit beneath me. The walls were black like a night sky. The fire was the only light source and it felt like it was cooking me from the inside out? I never feel heat or I shouldn’t do?

“Hello Daniel, my son, my second in command.” Oh no. I’ve only met him once, when I was 4 on that fatal night. “Hello Master.” I bowed, not seeing where he was. You never got to see who he was... I got up from my bow, “Master why d-“ All I heard was tuting and I stopped immediately. “Daniel, Daniel, Daniel. Never speak to me unless you asked to! Understood?” His voice was as hard as ice running though my veins. It was terrifying.

It was silent from a long time before he eventually spoke up. “Now, Daniel you are probably wondering why i brought you here, if you aren’t you should be. So Daniel you have found the love of your life, right?” I stood there and nodded. This can’t be good. “Phil is his name and you would do anything for him. Correct?” I nodded once again, shutting my eyes tight waiting for something bad. “I’m hoping vice versa. You know for a fact that i can put you through immense amounts of pain.” I nodded not daring to say a word.

All throughout my life i have been though immense pain from him, convulsing in pain and torture throughout the night for his enjoyment and entertainment. When I turned 16 I was able to stop him. I had enough will power to over some his powers of torture and he wasn’t best pleased. I had more power than he did and he was scared, but i daren’t even try and overthrow him, where i might have the power he has the men whereas i have is me.

He laughed menacingly, “If i can put you though that pain i can just as easily put Phil through it to. He won’t be as strong as you Daniel he cannot stop me from torturing him like you did.” My eyes snapped open, “NO! You can’t do that to him, he is innocent he has done nothing, Master! Please leave him alone!” I was almost in tears at the thought of the one i loved in that amount of pain. “Oh Danny boy, he’s taking you away from me, he’s making you pure again and I just can’t have that now can I.” He sound sweet at first but his voice getting more sour by the word.

The immense pain from my childhood washed over me as I fell to my knees. Trying to control what was happening was hard as all the memories flooded back. The pain. The torture. Collapsing in school and have everyone stare as i roll in pain. The memories i have submersed till now.

His evil laugh rang though the room, “Fine!” I shouted through gritted teeth. “Let’s make a deal!” The pain stopped and i tried composing myself. “What kind of deal Daniel?” I coughed feeling blood down my throat. “You can torture me; torture me and only me, every night for 4 years. Hurt him and you know I’m stronger than you! Every night for 4 years” I knew it had to be done, to save Phil. “I’ll only agree if you don’t hold back, no will power only pure pain. For the one you love? Have we a deal?” I squeezed my eyes shut, “Deal.”

I woke again with a gasp but this time Phil was beside me, asleep holding my hand. I need to remember that this pain is for him, to keep him safe so he don’t have to go through what i do. Im doing this based on love.

As night fell i could fell the pain through my veins as i embraced it with open arms, every muscle in my body shaking with spasms as i blacked out my last thought of Phil.

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