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I wanted my life to be a dream, i dont want to live like this anymore. I want to be truley happy with the one i love, that would be. Phil.

He's mhy best friend would he be disgusted by me? Or would he accept me for who i am?

I've decide im going to tell him who i really am! Im not afraid anymore and this will be good for me, only having one big secret and not two.

As I was in my bedroom I ran down stairs and stood outside Phils bedroom and all the dout flooded my mind. What if he doesn't accept meand disowns me like my parents did? While this was happening every bad word that could be said rushed through my mind Freak, Weird, Useless! Phil wouldnt say that to me would he?

By this time I was crouched, my back against Phils door rocking scaring myself. Whats wrong with me?Hes my best friend he wont judge me. He'll accept me for how i am and have been sice i was 4. I've kept this from him for over 4 years he'll wonder why, he'll call me silly and hug me... I hope.

I was about to move when the door behind me opened and i fell back into Phil's legs "Dan?" I scrabbled to my feet composing myself to look presentable. "Phil I ... I need to ... t ... to tell you come... something important." He look confused. Great i have screwed things up before telling him. "Actually i need to tell you something to." He grinned and began walking to the living room. WHat did he need to tell me?

To say i was scared was an understatement. I was terrified! Phil was already sat on the sofa waiting for me. "So what did you want to tell me? My eyes grew wider. No backing out now. "Well ... Um I really don't know how to say this, I've never told anyone but my parents and they diowned me ... Please don't leave me Phil!" Tears were building in my eyes, as my vision began to blur. Phil rushed over and grabbed me into a hug. "I will never disown you just say what you need to say." He stood back and so did I. "Ok ... Im the Devil." As i said this i turned my back on him so not to see the disgust on his face. "Im an Angel." I turned back around to see him " Really?" As if to show me he turned around and pulled of his top producking beautiful white wings, having to unfold them.

He turned back to me, his eye's glissing as if he was about to cry.

This time i turned to produce my dull wings unfolding then and having the same glissen in my eyes.

I ran to him giving him a hug my arms and wings wrapping around him, he hugged my back wings and all i felt better i had told him but knew we would have a lot to talk about.

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