A Lot To Talk About

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We were just stood, wings and arms wrapped around each other not wanting to disturb the silence that we had created.

I looked up at Dan slightly, he felt me move and looked down as blue met brown I wanted to cry knowing we would never be together. Dan had brought me closer sensing I was sad. "Phil we need to talk about this." he said as our eyes met again. I pulled away reluctantly, about to fold me wings away when Dan said no, so we stayed with our wings out.

Sitting next to Dan was hard he had much bigger with than I did, how he hid them so well was a mystery to me. Eventually I was able to get comfortable.

"Phil we need to ask each other questions, so you can ask away." The first thing that came to mind was, "How long have you been ... what you are?" he looked down sad and depressed, "I've been the way I am since I was 4 years old." I was I'm pure shock 4 years old ... just wow. " How long for you?" I smiled remember the day well.


I was sitting, waiting for Dan to get home he had gone away to see his parents for a week and I had missed him like mad and having odd feelings for him. I pushed them aside, all of a sudden I got a jolt of pain and blacked out.

I awoke with the pain in my back and a note on the table. I tried but there was something heavy on my back, I moved my hand to feel what it is and felt feathers! I got up and ran to the mirror to see the white wings and thanked anyone who would listen. I went to see the note on the table to read it.

Dear Phil

We have been watching you and you have a pure heart now full of love for that one person. You've been wanting this for as long as you can remember, so you are now granted your wish, but your love can be evil.

From your Guardian Angels. x

I was over the moon, but I was gunna need a new shirt as this now had two massive rips in the back.


"I have been an Angel for 4 years, just after I met you actually." He looked down sad and I really felt for him! "Ok my turn to ask you something." He looked back up and asked. " Did you get to choose?" I was confused why did he ask that? "Of course I did! Didn't you?" He look down again. "I never was able to choose I was I guess forced into it or my family would be killed and I would never find the love of my life so I became this ... my gamy disowned me and everyone hated me, I was alone but then I met you." I moved to hug him as he had tears in his eye's. Thats when I fell hard for my Devil.

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