What Does This Mean?

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As we lay our breathing synchronises, while we lay close. Our breth mingling as it can be seen as it is so cold. Fingers intertwine. Wings wrapped around each other for warmth on this November night.

We looked up at the sky to see fireworks, 5th of Novemeber remember remeber the 5th of November. "Beautiful night huh." I hardely wispered not wanting to break the bond we had. "Truly amazing." Phil commented in the same manner.

The fireworks were all different colours from Golds and Silvers to Reds and Greens. "This will be a night i shall never forget." Phil said next to me.

The kiss was amazing like the fireworks in the sky, but what does this mean for Phil and I? "Phil," We were now facing each other  "What does this mean for us?" He looked down and i was fearing the worsed so i piped up. "Phil don't worry, I'll leave you to think." With that I got up and jumped leaving Phil behimd me. "Daaaaaan!"

I was flying slowly, wanting to stay out here forever. Why did i leave? What's wrong with me? Im so stupid! Feeling the tears in my eyes I willed them not to fallbut they did, falling into oblivion.

I was flying fast to the house now,leaving the balony windows open for Phil, (If he decides he wants to come back.) I ran to my room, I wanted today to be perfect but i ruined it.

I put on a top and got into bed. I hate my black wings, I thought as i cried myself to sleep think of Phil.

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