The Feeling Of Flight

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I was crying, I felt pathetic. Useless. I had one urge and that was to fly. I haven't flown in years, I was six last time I was able to fly in the night, to hear the whistle in my ears. "Phil." He was still hugging me so he let go so I stood up. "What ya doing Dan?" I fluttered my wings a little so they stretched to there full length. My wings were from one side of the living room to the other, full length where as Phil's were half the size of mine. "Wow." Phil's mouth was agape at my wings. "You like?" he just nodded, "How did you get them so big?" I giggled at him. " This is what I get for being second in command I guess." Phil was a amazed as I was still laughing at him.

I wanted to fly again. I bent my wings so I could walk to the balcony. "Dan what are you doing?" I heard behind me as I walked on to the platform jumping up onto the railing, looking down on London. "Dan don't jump." I didn't turn to answer, "Ok then, I'll fall." I turned and smirked at Phil who was running to stop me but before he could i had already started falling, Phil's voice fading as I fell.

I was free falling as I started to move my wings twisting my body in mid air starting to fly back up slightly, spinning my body feeling the air whiz past my body, remembering what it felt like to be alive again.

A few seconds later I flew back to Phil. His face was a pretty picture. He was distraught, "Dan ... WHAT THE HELL!" by then I was laughing my head off. "Stop laughing Dan!" This time though he was laughing as well. "Phil can you fly?" he looked down embarrassed, "No." He looked up blushing. "Do you want to learn?" His face lit up like a Christmas tree. "I'll take that as a yes." I stood back on the balcony. "Ok hold onto my waist. Hold tight don't want you to fall." he grabbed My waist and I lifted my feel slightly of the platform. I felt him panic, holding my on tighter, "You ready Phil?" Looking up he nodded and I lifted into the air more and love back over London.

Teaching Phil how to fly won't be to hard, I taught myself years ago. "Ok Phil flutter your wings." I told him. His white wings contrasting against my black as he fluttered them slowly. "Don't be nervous you can do it. Now flutter them faster and spread them wider, ok." He looked up at me again and I gave him a reassuring smile, as he smiled back he grew his wings bigger and moved them faster, now hearing the wind between the feathers. "Well done you're doing it! After a while it comes naturally." He was becoming more confident loosening his grip around my waist. "Can I try on my own? If I fall promise you'll catch me!" Our eye's me, "Always." He let go trying to control his wings but ended up falling. I brought my wing close for speed almost dropping like a stone, falling past a flailing Phil. I was under him and cause him bridle style. "You ok?" I asked half a joke, half serious he looked scared out of his mind. "Do you want to try again tomorrow, you look terrified!" He laughed slightly. "I want to do this... wait no I need to do this!" He was determined who was I to tell him no. " Ok ... Lets try this a different way, stand on my hands." He did as I said without a word. "I'm going to throw you flap your wings! If it doesn't work ill catch you." He nodded as an ok. So I threw him and he was up for a matter of seconds before collapsing in my arms again. "That was better but try and consistently flap you wings ok." I threw him again his wings moving rhythmically with mine I flew next to him grabbed his hand and dragged him up with me. I heard him laughing and so was I.

I was spinning as I flew and when Phil let go of my hand I zoomed around doing loop-de-loops, free falling, zooming round Phil and falling of my back. Doing everything I haven't been able to do in years and it felt amazing to have that freedom again. Now Phil can join me.

I flew over to Phil who was watching me and put my arms around his waist, it just felt natural, in return he placed his hands on my hips. Our wings touched everything they moved. "We'd better get back to the apartment it must be frozen." He said. We started to fly back and I slowed so we could fly together, I grabbed his hand and we glided like we were on ice.

We got back, Phil couldn't really land he stumbled in through the doors as I landed lightly. "I'm gunna need to work on that." Phil said from the floor. He laughed his laugh was infectious.

I closed the door behind me and stepping through the living room, closing my wings walking to the sofa sitting next to Phil. "It's 3:00am you need to sleep you must be exhau-" I looked at Phil who was now fast asleep next to me. "-exhausted." I got up grabbed a blanket putting it over him, "Night my Angle." I kissed his forehead and turned of the lights going to my room.

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