My Power

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'I got my wings because I fell in love with my best friend.' The word I always wanted to hear, well maybe not the wings part. "I love you Phil." His smile grew wide and so did mine. "I love you too Dan." As he grabbed my shirt and crashed out lips together, the fireworks outside were the same as in my heart. After a while we pulled back pulled back panting for breath.

We walked over to my bed to cuddle and watch a movie. "Hey Phil?" He looked at me from my DVD collection. "Yeah." I pondered on wether to tell him. "Do you have a power?" He stood back up, his wings fluttering as he sat beside me. "No not that I know of, why do you?" I looked down regretting my decision. "You do don't you! What is it?" Phil was now sat on my stomach. "I can do a bunch of things, not that I'm proud of them though." He cocked his head to the side like a puppy. "Why, what can you do?" I laughed at his eagerness making him bounce. "If you get off me I'll show you."

He scurried off me, as I stood up going to the middle of the room while Phil was getting comfy.

What power to show first? 3 to show what wouldn't scare him so much?

1. Fire Ball

"Ok Phil you'll have to have to be careful this could potentially burn the house down." I closed my eyes and heard him shuffle back as far as he can go. I have practised this power a lot but never shown anyone. Until now.

I stood in silence using all my will power to create the burning gas ball in my hand.

I felt the light presents disappear so the only source of light was the growing ball of flames.

I could feel the warmth radiating from my hands. Opening my eyes I saw Phil mouth wide, eyes terrified but also excite seeing my creation. Looking over my power, I moved the ball from hand to hand making it bounce plus scaring Phil. "Oh my god! Where did you learn to do that?" I thought back to when I first tried my powers. " I really taught myself. When I became what I am, I sort of got a dictionary in my head of the different powers. Each time I practised them, they would level up. This power is would be the easiest and my most levelled up power." I smiled looking soon my creation again. "Thats amazing Dan, how can you not be proud of this?" Still moving the ball from hand to hand. " I am, I guess it's the principal I mean it's evil."

In saying this Phil walked up and behind me, hugging my waist head on my shoulder. "Watch this it's pretty cool."

I'm a matter of seconds I was spinning the ballon one hand, by doing so creating a sword from the fire. "Oh my god, this is amazing I have no other words to describe it!" I moved my head to kiss his cheek.

Putting the sword on the tip of my finger I throw it and it diminished to dust. "Astonishing!" I laughed, spinning in his arms to face him. "I thought you couldn't think of anymore words to describe it." He giggled pushing out noses together. "I got board of the word amazing."

2. Rain

"So gorgeous what's your second power?" I blushed at the nickname. "Well we will have to go outside and bring an umbrella." I winked, he seemed confused.

I walked on to the balcony, (for the um-tenth time within the last two days) now with Phil behind me with our Mario umbrella.

Standing, looking at the sky, closing my eyes and whispering "May good become bad and bad become good, let it rain down to wash away sin." So as if by magic it started to rain, slightly at first but getting harder and harder as I repeated the words over and over.

Thunder boomed, as loud as a lions roar and and lighting cracked ripping through the sky.

Rain was dripping down my back but I couldn't care less. It exhilarating to use the power within me.

Phil next to me was quite. I opened my eyes to see terror in his. "Phil?" He took a step away from me and that tore me apart. "Y...y...your e...e...eyes are..." Damn.

Running inside into the bathroom, I saw my eyes were pure black. Phil shortly followed me into the bathroom. "What happened?" He was shaking and so was his voice. "I have no idea this has never happened before?"

All of a sudden I got a massive pain in my head. Throwing my hands to my head I screamed in agony as I blacked out fall to the floor.

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