Seeing You Hurt, Hurts Me

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I awoke to a scream from somewhere? Dan next to me was tense, back arched, mussels clenched in pain. "Dan?" I spoke softly.

He screeched in pain, "Fight it!" Why wouldn't he fight it! "I can't!" Exasperated and through gritted teeth. "Why?" pain in my my face. "I jus-" He screamed again in agony. "Dan!" His eyes tightly shut, teeth clenched, mussels tense and back bent, he was in immense pain!

"Dan please! You're scaring me what's going on?" I couldn't help but leave the tears in my voice, he was in pain and I could do nothing. "Phil- ill explain soon please leave I don't want you to see me! this is nothing! Ignore my cries of pain, you'll get used to it. Please- leave." Again with pain in his eyes he was pleading with me. "Fine for you but you ow me an explanation." he laughed a little. "Same old Phi- AHH!"

Hearing him scream was torture. When I first awoke next to him it was 3am and now its 7am and all I have heard is his screaming. As the sunrise apeared through my window his screams dies down.

Rushing to his room, finding him sat up rubbing his legs and fluttering his wings. Noticing me he gave me a weak half smile. "Hey Phil." His voice horce from screaming. I was trying so hard not to cry and i guess he noticed as he rushed over embrasing me into a hug. "What happened? Why where you in pain? You scared me to death!"I was no sobbing into his shoulder. "Phil I need to explain this, I did this for you." I pulled away from the hug shocked. "How in hell did you do this for me? I had to watch you in pain and you did this for me?!" I was panicking and I could feel my wings fluttering under my shirt. "Phil please calm down ill explain everything to you, please just sit and relax."

Relaxing a little from his solthing voice I sat quietly on the bed next to him. "Where wwould you like me to start?" I srugged my shoulders. "At the start preferably." He laughed pitifully. "Well this isnt the first time ive been hurt it happened since I was 4 to 16." My eyes widened. How? " How did you stop it?" He closed his eyes and tilted his head down taking a deep breath. "Will power, Im stronger than my master and he knows it." More powerful? "So why didnt you stop the pain last night?" Tilting his head again to look at me we made eye contact. "When i blacked-out I mwt him again. He said making me pure and didnt like it. I know his power saying he would put you though my pain, I couldnt see you hurt so, everynight for 4 years I have to be in pain without resisting. If we are not together in 4 years i will go through perminant pain from the loss of you."

I was in pure shock, why would he do this? Putting pain on himself for me? I could have delt with the pain! "Dan you shouldnt have done it! I love you to much to see you hurt! Seiing you hurt, hurts me!"

Looking up water in my eyes everything was blurry except the freash tears running down his faceand onto his hand, him not bothering to wipe them away as they came down as a stream. I pulled him into a hug. What are we going to do now?


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