The Angel

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Phil here Dan's roomate/ best friend. Dan's my bestist friend he's amazing hes odd, sarcastic and funny! He can be mean at times but not to me though, hes always nice to me! Hes as normal as a normal person can get, unlike me... but i wanted this to happen i want to become what i am now. I am an Angel. To be an Angel you have to have your heart full of love for one person, I became an Angel 4 years ago just after i met Dan. For the last few years i have been wondering who had stolen my heart and then i looked in his chocolate brown eyes and i new who i had fallen for. I had fallen in love with my best friend.

I haven't told him, i wouldnt dare to! I would never jeopardize our friendship!

As i was saying it was my choice to be an Angel and with that i have the pure white wings. There folded because i cant show Dan, what would he think of having an Angle int the house he practically the devil! (See what i did there.)

I have decided though, i will tell him soon i can't keep this a secret any longer. I need to tell my best friend i love him.

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