District 12 Female
Name: Morgan
Gender: Female
Age: 14
District: 12
General description: Rebellious, cocky young girl, long black hair, hazel eyes.
Weapon of choice: Two short knives
Celebrity look a like: Naya RiveraMorgan's POV
Morgan and her friends Dylan, Charlie, and Destiny were playing in the forest. Destiny silently climbed onto the branch that Morgan was sitting on and screamed in her ear. Startled, Morgan screamed and fell. Everyone laughed except for Morgan, who pretended to be angry.
"You ok?" Asked Destiny as she stifled a laugh. Instead of responding, Morgan grabbed the branch Destiny was sitting on, causing her to fall onto her face.
"Now I am!" Morgan said with a smug look on her face. Destiny wiped the mud off of her face.
"Well played." She said.
"Oh my gosh we're late!" Charlie yelled. Everybody immediately knew what he was talking about. The Reaping. They ran just in time to hear the name they never wanted to hear.
"Looks like this years tributes are Morgan Gilde and...." They didn't hear the other name because they had already grabbed their friend and started running.
"We can't let you go. You could die!" Dylan said.
"We're not letting her go!" Charlie yelled. Destiny nodded, determination in her eyes. Morgan knew she was very lucky to have her friends. She knew that not a lot of people would do that to keep her safe. Suddenly they heard a noise, and three armed men came into view.
"You're not going anywhere with our tribute." The leader snarled. Morgan's friends stepped in front of her. Morgan was silently panicking. Destiny took another step forward. The leader drew his knife and sliced at her side, but she dodged and kicked the leader in the leg. Next he sliced at her gut, almost catching her, but Destiny dodged again. She went to lunge at him, but one of the others knocked her to the ground.
Morgan shoved Dylan.
"Stop! I'll go!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. As she was escorted away, she looked back at her shocked friends. The only one not lost for words was Destiny.
"Good luck!" Destiny yelled.
"If I come back, I warn you I might be sliced in half." Morgan joked. Destiny gave a warm smile as Morgan was hauled away. It hurt Morgan to think that she may never see that smile again.................................................................
District 12 Male
Name: Gio Potter
Gender: Male
Age: 13
District: 12
General description: Short red hair, fair skin
Weapon of choice: Knives
Celebrity look a like: Jermery CampGio's POV
Gio was hanging out with his friend Lia, when they heard a Peacekeeper yell,
"You two! Get to the Reaping now!"They ran as fast as they could, and when they got there, they just stood frozen in the crowd. They had called his name!
"No!" Lia cried and tried to push him out of there, but two guards came and punched her. As they were dragging him away, he heard Lia say,
"Good luck, and don't die!"

Quelling the Flames
RandomAre you a writer waiting to be discovered? Are you a fan of the Hunger Games? Then this is definitely for you. Quelling the Flames is a writers contest for the bravest and most daring writers. Do you have the wits to survive? Or will you crash and...