District 4 Female
Name: Annie Tyler
Gender: Female
Age: 15
District: 4
General description: Well defined cheekbones, bright green eyes, long brown hair, tall
Weapon of choice: Bow and arrow
Celebrity look a like: Lily CollinsAnnie's POV
I go to stand with other children my age. My younger sister looks over at me, terror written all over her face. I tried to convince her that she won't get picked, but she is still terrified. I look over to my best friend Alfie. He mouths a few words of encouragement and I force a smile in return. Effie Trinket steps up to the podium and greets us all cheerfully. Everybody looks like they are ready to kill as we stare up at her in that pathetic pink wig. She hastily steps down from the podium and makes her way across the stage towards the glass ball containing the possible female tribute names. She sticks her heavily manicured fingernails into the glass container and pulls out the first slip she finds. She unfolds the paper and steps in front of the microphone. It seems like the whole district is holding their breath. She smiles and opens her mouth.
"Annie Tyler."................................................................
District 4 Male
Name: Michael Jenkins
Gender: Male
Age: 14
District: 4
General description: Tall, blonde, rough
Weapon of choice: Sword ability, also ability to steal knives
Celebrity look a like: Chord OverstreetMichael's POV
I remember staring at the birds in the sky, wishing I could fly away from here like them. I hated the suspense wondering who was going to get picked. I remember hearing the gasps and everybody's sharp eyes on me. I remember thinking hearing my girlfriend sobbing along with the chorus of my family.
I remember everything even though I wish I could forget.

Quelling the Flames
RandomAre you a writer waiting to be discovered? Are you a fan of the Hunger Games? Then this is definitely for you. Quelling the Flames is a writers contest for the bravest and most daring writers. Do you have the wits to survive? Or will you crash and...