I feel so stupid. I felt my cheeks flush 5 different shades of red as I scurried away. I can't believe it. I had just happened to run into the cutest guy here while wearing this awful outfit. I was wearing orange scaly looking pants without a shirt. I am from district 4 so they were going for the fish look and miserably failed. I looked back and saw "him" again. He was wearing a dark grayish blue-ish tunic with a gold vest and his Dark brown hair flipped out on the ends. I wanted to work up the nerve to ask him his name but his eyes drew the breath out of me. Besides if he knew I liked him I would probably be one of the first ones dead. I mean of course they would kill the scrawny gay kid. It was practically the story of my life. No now was not the time for finding the love of my life it was the time to win.

Quelling the Flames
RandomAre you a writer waiting to be discovered? Are you a fan of the Hunger Games? Then this is definitely for you. Quelling the Flames is a writers contest for the bravest and most daring writers. Do you have the wits to survive? Or will you crash and...