Task 1

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Welcome Tributes, to your first task!!!

After a long train ride from your home, you finally arrive in the Capitol. For hours, you've been plucked and prodded, but the end result is fantastic.
Your Tribute Costume
How do you look? Did your stylist succeed? Or did they fail miserably?
It's all up to you.
You have 5 days to find your district partner and work out a costume. Once you are done that, then message me! (I started out slowly to not over-work you guys)

Also, for three of you, you are going to have a additional task. You will write about your time in the Remake Centre. Your first impression of the Capitol. And how you feel about the upcoming death match.
Those random three are: @Fire_Heart_Amity instantem and @kat499
You have 5 days. Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favour.

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