After the reaping the two of us were loaded onto one of the Capitol's trains. I slowly began to get over the shock that now I am going to be in the Hunger Games. I take a look around and I am completely amazed by the extravagance of the inside of the train, it is just so beautiful, the carpet, the furniture, the lights hanging from the ceiling, everything looked so beautiful and expensive. I could hardly believe that the Capitol would spend so much money on the tribute train. I was so distracted by the beauty of the train that I didn't even notice when someone walked into the room. "Hey, I know you probably don't want to be here but I just want you to know that I am here to help you." It is our mentor, she won a couple of years ago, I think her name is Annora. I don't want to talk to her and I just want to be alone, so I just walk out. "My name is Annora Gwen if you need anything." I hear her say as the door swings shut. I wander aimlessly around the train trying to find somewhere to be alone. As I am walking down the hallway BAM!!!!! I run right into someone, "I'm soooo sorry, I should have been paying attention," I apologize without thinking. "It's fine, I should have looked to see if anyone was coming before I stepped out into the hallway, I'm Casper by the way." All I can do is stare in shock, of all the people to run into on the train it would have to be my luck to run into the other tribute from my district. "I...I'm Raylen." Is all I can manage to say before turning and running away. I end up spending the rest of the afternoon with my thoughts. I don't want to die, and I'm really smart, but are smarts really enough to win the Hunger Games. Even more than that I can't quit thinking about Casper and how he may be my ticket to surviving the games.
As the train nears the Capitol, I can't help but watch through my window. At first glimpse all the buildings shine silver, and then I catch a glimpse of the people outside and it is all I can do to keep from laughing. Everyone dresses so funny here, I can't believe anyone would wear such crazy outfits. Before I can see anything else, I have been pulled away from the window and quickly brought to this bright, white room and told to lay down on this table. After that about four people come into the room, I know they must be my prep team. My suspicions are confirmed as they pluck, prick, and prod me for the next hour and a half. After they declare me ready, I am given a robe to wear and shown into a room with a couch. I sit there and wait until my stylist walks in. This is the first time I have gotten to see a Capitol citizen up close. He sit down beside me and asks what my name is. "R..Raylen," I whisper. "Well Raylen my name is Aeryc and I am your stylist."
I'm so glad Aeryc is my stylist, he is a genius with clothes! After seeing what the tributes from our district had worn in the past, I was worried about the tribute parade. In reality I had nothing to worry about when it came to my clothes, Aeryc took care of everything. He designed a beautiful lace dress for me to wear with patterns of wheat and other grains in the lace. He gave me a pair of comfortable, woven shoes, they were tan and very soft. My hair was braided over my left shoulder and a flower crown made of wheat was place on my head. The outfit even matches the bracelet that I brought from home. My makeup enhanced my features without looking unnatural or overdone. Casper questioned our stylists because he thought we were going to be too plain to be noticed, but Aeryc told me later that he thought plain and simple matched our personalities, especially mine, and he also reassured me that with all of the crazy costumes of the other districts, the simplicity of ours would stand out and look great. I still can't help but be nervous though, I'm so shy and I don't do well in front of others, what if no one likes me, and I ruin both mine and Casper's chance of getting sponsors? Well there is no need of worrying about that now, I can save that worry for the interviews.

Quelling the Flames
RandomAre you a writer waiting to be discovered? Are you a fan of the Hunger Games? Then this is definitely for you. Quelling the Flames is a writers contest for the bravest and most daring writers. Do you have the wits to survive? Or will you crash and...