District 8 Female
Name: Clara Roberts
Gender: Female
Age: 16
District: 8
General description: Blue-tipped black hair and dark brown eyes
Weapon of choice: Throwing spears
Celebrity look a like: Jennifer Hudson"What am I going to do with this?" I asked myself, brushing my hair out of my face. I tried to pull my hair back into a simple ponytail, but of course I failed miserably. Hair one, Clara zero. Putting up with the nest on my hair, I just left the mirror, wanting nothing to do with it. Walking down the halls and moving down the stairs, I found myself out the door heading to the Reaping, shivering at the thought of survival and of killing other people. For the first time in a long time, I found myself admiring nature and the people around me. Groups of people ranging from 12-18 started walking into a building. I walked right in and saw a giant stage and others soon started filling the space.
Looking around in the space I had left, I searched for my Aunt Jeanine, but of course she wasn't here to wish me good luck and such things. She was the aunt that wanted the money that Mom and Dad had, but as soon as they died she stopped with the caring act and treated me like trash. She left to party while I stayed at home and tried to feed myself.
At least she didn't take me to the orphanage.
In District 8, as long as you have a guardian, then they can't take you away. Turning around, the final bells of the Reaping means that it is time for the names to be drawn. A man walked out onto the stage with a green suit and curly blue hair shouting
"Hello District 8! Welcome! Today a male and female tribute will compete in the Hunger Games."
Turning to the bowl, he pulled out two names.
"The female tribute is Clara Roberts and..."
As soon as my name was called my ears started ringing, not listening to the other tribute called. Slowly making my way through the crowd I made it to the base of the steps. Stiffly making my way up the steps and towards the centre of the stage, the crowd clapped, though they were forced to by the Peacekeepers. Finally the man exclaimed."Meet your tributes District 8!"
District 8 Male
Name: Bryon Mc Clark
Gender: Male
Age: 17
District: 8
General discription: Very observent, smart, Rebellious, not very emotional and loves to read.
Weapon of choice: Machete, intelligence.
Celebrity look alike: unknown
I stood in the 17 year old section in district 8's town square on reaping day. Our escourt is on the podium and has called out the female tribute for this Quater Quell and that tribute is a not so lucky Clara Roberts.
"Next up is the boys..." says our Capitol escourt, he looked awfully cheerfull for the hunger games just like every other Capitol citizen and some people in the districts too but those were very few...
He walked across the podium to the oval shaped bowl, full almost to the brim with paper slips with names of boys who are old enough to take part in the hunger games. He puts his hand in the bowl and swirls it around then takes out one long slip of paper,
"Bryon Mc Clark" and thats when I know my life is over.

Quelling the Flames
De TodoAre you a writer waiting to be discovered? Are you a fan of the Hunger Games? Then this is definitely for you. Quelling the Flames is a writers contest for the bravest and most daring writers. Do you have the wits to survive? Or will you crash and...