District 2 Female
Name: Lily Everton
Gender: Female
Age: 16
District: 2
General description: Long blonde hair, blue eyes, skinny and fit
Weapon of choice: Recurve bow
Celebrity look a like: Miranda LambertLily's POV
I woke up the morning of the reaping, I had lost one of my friends from the past hunger games and now I had a small feeling that somebody who I knew very closely would be chosen.When it came to the time of the reaping I walked through the crowd. Earlier that day I had braided my hair and pulled it around my head giving it a crown effect and dressed in my best dress. I stood in my age group, waiting as a woman stepped up to the large orbs and started talking. I zoned out her words until she stepped over to the first glass orb. She reached in and pulled out the paper quickly, I heard her heels clicking as she walked back over to the microphone. "Lily Everton" she read loudly. I made her way through the people, it was easy since everyone quickly moved out of her way. Whispers spread through the crowd, her mother was crying and her brother and father comforting her. My eyes shone with fear and soon to be tears. When she got to the stage the woman was already calling off the male tributes name.
District 2 Male
Name: Jason Minx
Age: 17
District: 2
General desorption: Blonde, almost white hair with green eyes. Always wears black. Selfless and witty. Keeps to self and never talks back and takes orders very seriously. Is bisexual.
Weapon: Scythe
Celebrity look a like: Alex PettyferJason's POV
I stood in the crowd of males wait for the name to be called. They person up front pulled out the card. 18 times I'm in there trying to help out the people in district 2. They unfolded the paper careful.
"Jason Minx," they called. The words echoed in my head. I knew I was going to get picked out of all the boys here having my name in there that many time it was almost positive. I slowly walked out of the group to the stage. I looked over to my brother he had tears in his eyes as I walked. Once I got up there all eyes were on me my father had proudness in his eyes. My mother wasn't there like always she never left the house. I sighed as my hand was raised

Quelling the Flames
CasualeAre you a writer waiting to be discovered? Are you a fan of the Hunger Games? Then this is definitely for you. Quelling the Flames is a writers contest for the bravest and most daring writers. Do you have the wits to survive? Or will you crash and...