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Hi! Before we officially begin, I would like to say a few things

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Before we officially begin, I would like
to say a few things.

This is my first fanfiction book but not my first book here on Wattpad. That being said, please be merciful and excuse any errors.

This book will not fully follow the original dialogue or storyline that is used in The Last of Us games. This storyline follows Tommy and his daughter, my OC. It is an original idea, however, I DO NOT own The Last of Us or it's characters. Those rights belong to Naughty Dog and Sony. I only own Jeanie, Amber, and a few others, (you'll know them when you come across them.)

Warning: This book is rated Mature/17+ like the game, but unlike Naughty Dog, younger children will be included in the outbreak. If that may trigger you, please understand (if you continue) that I will NOT be putting any warnings.


I am updating this book as I write it; updates will probably not be regular especially with school starting up really soon. However, I'll try not to go over two weeks without updating.

Last but not least, please be nice to one another. Any disrespect to myself or others will result in being blocked and reported.

That being said, enjoy!

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