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Jeanie slit her eyes to watch Tyrone carry a bag lunch towards a building. As soon as the man disappeared through the door, she cut Jesse's rambling off.

"Hey, where does that door lead to?" Jeanie asked the boy across from her.

"Oh... um, well, it goes to the west end of the zone. But-But my mom says we aren't allowed to go there- ever." He was very serious.

Her eyebrows lifted, "You gotta help me sneak in there. For real, Jesse. Just once. Can you imagine seeing a Firefly for real?"

He shook his head, and Jeanie remembered his bowl cut that had recently been shaven clean to match hers. "Absolutely not, Jean. No. I'm not helping you get in trouble. What if something happened? What if you get hurt?"

Jeanie scoffed out a laugh, "You're overreacting, Jesse. I'll be perfectly fine. Just a quick slip in and out."

Jeanie made sure the door was shut securely and quietly behind her. She turned to find herself at the end of a short hallway which cut a corner to lead to another, longer hallway.

The further she walked down the hallway, the louder a little voice got. It traveled through the rooms and down each twist and turn of the corridors. But where was it coming from?

One was deep. No! Now it was two. Two voices were deep, insisting there were men in this building. That fact in itself made a thread of fear shrivel through Jeanie. Perhaps Jesse and Robin were right and this was a bad place. Maybe this was a bad idea, and the fun curiosity was over.

But those negative thoughts were suppressed when she heard the familiar voice of her mom, raised to a harsh yell.

Jeanie's eyebrows furrowed, and her heard sped up with her feet.

Why is Mom in the west side?

The further her feet carried her through the narrow walls, the louder the voice got. God, this place was like a maze. It was like a game of hot and cold. But eventually, she seemed to be on the right track, and the voice grew and grew until the words were clearer.

"It doesn't matter. You are a Firefly-"

"Was! I was a Firefly. I told you. I'll leave if you just let me see her."

So it was true. They were keeping the Fireflies here...

Ty's loud voice carried through the walls, and Jeanie held her breath when she heard him lock the door and make his way over to the lockers.

His heavy footfalls came closer and closer, until he finally opened locker number six, and placed the key inside, but when he closed the door, Jeanie was seen.

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