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"It's your job to step in and help raise this child, Maria."

Maria glanced at Eloise. "I have my own responsibilities."


"Most of the troops at the checkpoint are dead. Said they were attacked by this group called the Fireflies. They aren't anything new. Apparently, they're from L.A. The soldiers that are left are planning on moving northeast, towards Salt Lake City, Utah."

"We'll just stay south of them. We dodge the checkpoint in Sacramento, the lookout in Carson City, and the other checkpoint at the Nevada/Utah border," Maria nodded her head in definite.

Louisa pinched the bridge of her nose. "They'll have scouts out all over the states."

"It's not like we haven't taken out guys before. We all have decent shooting skills."

"It's a bit of a stretch, don't you think? Or are you not? We won't even have enough fuel for the trucks," Louisa countered.

"If this is a problem for you, Louisa, say so now," her voice rose and eyes furrowed.

"So you can throw me out like you wanna do with those kids? Huh?"

"Those kids are the reason we're falling behind!"


"Pack your shit. Be ready by the time the sun rises. We're getting out of here." Maria directed.


"How's Jeanie holdin' up?" the blonde asked.

Robin folded her arms. "Good. She and Jesse are getting along. Ross told me... about how you're ready to leave again. About how we're gonna stay south but head to Utah. About how you and Louisa aren't getting along too well... about how the kids are dragging us behind."

"It was a heat of the moment thing. I didn't mean it, really. Jesse is a great kid."

Robin nodded with a slight smile.


The blonde sighed and swallowed deeply before starting, "There's a large energy source that their main base is using... pulling off from. We find that energy source, we could restore it to full power, and create a place to settle down, a safe place to stay... for our people."

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