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The man was leaning against the headboard, his blonde locks flowing down his shoulders. When he heard Maria come in, his eyes watched her as she untwisted the towel from her hair and combed her fingers through it. She wore a tank top that was frayed towards the seams, and shorts that hugged her thighs. Tommy silently let his eyes rake her figure.

"Scoot," she muttered before climbing into bed next to him, pulling the covers over both of them. Tommy made to lie down, springs digging into his back while he watched the reflection from the lantern dance across the ceiling.

His eyes caught Maria's form shift to face him before he felt her lay against him, her soft breasts resting against his chest, her leg wrapped around to rest between his, and her head just under his chin.

He could smell the vanilla of her hair, a scent he had long ago forgotten, and was so sweet now. He pressed his face into her wet hair, breathing the scent in, memorizing his for when he was alone and wanted to remember this moment.

He pulled in a shaky sigh, then hesitantly moved to wrap his arm around her back. He heard her mutter, "So... this is... new."

He nodded carefully. "New can be good."


They sat in a thought filled silence. She knew Tommy wouldn't ask about Texas again- not after the way she humiliated him in front of several people the other night.

"Maria... I feel like I need to explain what happened earlier." He figured now was as good a time as ever, seeing as this was the first time they'd had to talk since his confession.

Maria rubbed her hand across his chest in a comforting pattern. "You don't have to if you aren't ready. Don't force yourself for my benefit."

Tommy shook his head and took a breath. "I need to though." He took several breaths, seemingly having to force his words out, but eventually started with almost a whisper. "When... this whole thing started," he began. "It was me and my older brother... Joel. He, uh... he also had a daughter- Sarah."


His mind seemed to be caught in a loop for a moment before he focused his attention back on Maria and changed the subject. "Are we really doing this, Maria?" he whispered.

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