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It was the start of the fifth week into their journey to the new zone. The Miller brothers had made it to the border of New York when they came across an old, abandoned parking garage.

The plan was to jump start one of the many cars that was left in the garage. They were on the second level of the parking garage when Tommy spoke, which was something he hadn't been doing much of lately.

"What exactly should I be looking for?"

Joel shushed his brother and pulled his head out of the hood of a truck. "Battery, transmission, main stuff. If we need, we can piece them together. Just need one with all the parts."

Tommy stuck his head inside a truck hood. He broke out of his trance when his eyes caught the big, bulky car battery. He picked his head up and glanced in Joel's direction.


The older Miller stood to his full height from laying under the hood of a car and looked over to where his brother stood. He began making his way over, only to feel a heavy swing to his left thigh.

Tommy watched with wide eyes as a masked man held Joel, who was now on his knees, in a headlock.

The man was kicked back down by the older, fiercer Miller, and his arm was pulled behind his back, then a sharp crack. The man yelled out in pain as his limp, dislocated arm fell to his side. Joel held the man by his neck as Tommy stood, holding his side.

"Shoot 'im, Tommy," Joel huffed out.

A white light flashed over the blonde's vision. This man wasn't an infected... but he was a threat.


The sharp crack and back of a bullet to the scull echoed off the garage's cement ceiling. The body fell to the ground and Joel stood to his full height.

Tommy let the gun drop to his side, his brother's words coming through clearly now.

"We gotta get outta here. There's no tellin' how many others there are."

Just as he said those words, to clicks came from behind the two Miller's.

Guns to the backs of their heads.

A woman's rough, angry voice gritted out.

"Drop your weapons, and fucking back away. Now."



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