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Tommy's bloodshot eyes glared back at Maria when she slowly opened and closed the door behind her, feeling completely humbled and conflicted.

He shot daggers at her as she avoided eye contact and sat down on the bed next to him.

"I'm not here to apologize. I still don't trust you... but... I'm here to tell you how this is gonna go."

Tommy scoffed out a chuckle and shook his head at that, but Maria decided to ignore it.

"You're leaving tonight," Tommy began to say something, but Maria cut him off with a hand to the face. "That's final."

She took a deep breath and exhaled, ignoring the alarms going off in her head.

"You and the other will go back to Marlene. You will tell her that we are of no threat and to stop messing with us. You leave the Fireflies. Then, and only then, will you be safe here."

Tommy and Maria were staring into each others eyes earnestly with a sort of seriousness only foes would share.

"We're leaving in two days. I'll give you until sunset on the second day, and if you're not here... Jeanie will know you chose the Fireflies over her."

Tommy stared at the wall behind her with a sullen face. "But it's a days trip. I won't be back in time."

Maria sighed again, "We will supply you with a truck."

"Maria... she's my kid. I know. Trust me, I know that I messed up. And you can hate me all you want for that. But I love her. And I'm here now. Let me be here for her now."

Maria silently took in his form again. A creased forehead in worry, bloodshot eyes (from lack of sleep and tears, the latter more likely), the grown out scruff that matched his blonde hair.

Maria didn't answer, not knowing what exactly to say, but instead stood and unlocked the door, holding it open for Tommy to leave out with her. "Come on. Time's wasting."

The corner of Tommy's mouth wanted to quirk up, "Careful, sounds like you're rooting for me."

Maria snickered back, letting him pass, thinking, God I seem so bipolar right now, with the roll of her eyes.

Tommy made it half way down the hall before turning back, "Hey."

Maria shut the door to the locker in which she hung the key, and turned to the man.

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