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"Hey," a gentle hand pressed on her shoulder. "If that is who we think it is-"

"I don't think it's him," Maria interrupted, the nausea clawing it's way upward.

Robin raised her eyebrows, "If that is Jeanie's father... this is a good thing."


"How 'bout I make you a deal? You tell me what y'all are doin' here, and who you are, and then... then I'll tell you what we headed over here for and who I am. How's that?" A smug smile was set on his face.

She'd play his game. "Here's the thing, Tommy." The man's eyes flashed at the revelation that she knew who he was all along. "I just want to know why you fuckers came in on us and killed my men." She gritted the words out.

Before he could respond, Maria hit him with another blow, "If you refuse to give me intel on your group... there are several more of you I could beat it out of. I'm giving you the safest, most generous and lenient offer here. Either you take it... or you leave it." She finished with a glare.

He grimaced at the situation.


"So, I have to ask- God, I've wanted to ask for nine goddamn years- where were you, dad? Why did I find her, and not you? She thinks your dead. You're dead to her, Tommy."

With his head bowed, his voice cracked, "Stop. Pl-... stop please."

A smirk fell onto her lips, watching him deflate to a self-depreciating shell. "Where the fuck were you when she needed you most!? Don't tell me you ran off with them. Were you scared? Is that why you left? Did you even bother looking for Jeanie?"

"I did! I did. I tried. I thought she was dead," his voice was weak and his eyes were red with unshed tears when he looked up. "Please. Just let me see her." A tear finally breached the dam.

Maria stood, leaning over the table to hover over Tommy. "And why would I do that? You're a Firefly. A murderer. You're everything we are against."


"Give me your side of the story. Why? Why weren't you there with her? She was a baby. Four years old at most. So tell me. Why isn't she with you?"

And that's what he did.

Maria felt only an ounce more sympathy for him. She looked up at him with pursed lips and furrowed eyebrows. "So... you just stopped looking..."

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