Begining of the Track

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You may of heard of my older brother, the one and only, Johnny Cade. Well, i'm his kid sister, Livi Cade. We're pretty much opposites, but pretty close, and tell each other everything. He can be protective over me at times too, especially from our parents.

I'm 15, grew up with the gang, and get along with them all pretty well. I'd say i'm closest to Sodapop, Steve, and especially Ponyboy. We're both 15 and him and I have got lots in common. Y'know, sunsets, books, movies, stories, and do pretty well in school.

I've had the thought that I might actually like Ponyboy. I've been trying to ignore that thought, but sometimes I can't help it.

Johnny and I try to stay at the lot some nights, or even to Curtis house when our folks are home. But it's hard to avoid them.

We would both talk about if we ran away, to get away from our parents, out of Tulsa. Johnny's always hated it here anyway. He would say we we'd run away to Virginia, where he and my parents used to live before I was born. He says from what he remembers, Virginia is beautiful.

We talk about it all the time, but have never actually done it. Would we ever actually run away?

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