Ticket of Goodbye

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The next morning, I woke up to Johnny shaking my shoulder.

"Livi, wake up." He whisper shouted.

I sat up rubbing my eyes. I saw the rest of the gang, still asleep on the living room floor. I remembered what had happened last night. I laughed at the thought of it.

"Anything from the house you need to get before we leave?" He asked.

"Yeah. Only a few things. What if mom and dad are there?"

"I'm sure they aren't. C'mon let's hurry so we can be on track of time."

We quietly got up from where we were lying, and made it out the front door without waking anyone up.

It was super early out. The sun has barely risen, so there was a warm, but cool breeze over my skin.

We walked over to our house, and checked around for our parents. No sight of them.

"Must have slept at a bar or who knows where." I grumbled.

"Alright Livi, we gotta be quick." Johnny said.

We both began running through the house, getting anything we wanted to bring. I ran to my room and started looking around. Johnny said to bring as less things as possible.

I found a backpack and packed some of my good clothes. My favorite books, pictures of Pony and I that I had lying around, old letters, and things like that.

Once I had what I wanted to bring, I stopped in the doorway of my room before I left. I glanced at everything in my room.
One, to make sure I got everything I wanted to bring, and two, cause I probably won't be in here again.

I met Johnny back down stairs by the front door.

"Got everything?" He asked me.

I nodded my head with a smile. Then we began walking back to the Curtis house.

Even though we weren't too long, everyone was up and about when we got back. Darry was in the kitchen making breakfast while everyone else was in the living room.

"There yall are. Thought you left without saying goodbye." Two-Bit teased.

"Oh, you know we could never leave without saying goodbye to you guys." I smiled.

"When does your train leave?" Darry asked from the kitchen.

"Uh. 'Bout an hour." Johnny answered.

"Y'know what we could do in an hour?" Pony whispered toward me with a grin of his face.

"Oh Pony." I rolled my eyes.

I set my stuff down and followed Ponyboy into his bedroom once again.

"No funny business, Pony. Not really the time." I laughed.

"Just wanted to enjoy our last time alone together." He sighed.

He pulled me in by the waist with one arm, and glided his other hand across my cheek. We looked each other eye in eye.

"I'm gonna miss you, y'know that, Livi Cade?"

"I know you know i'll miss you too, Ponyboy Curtis." I grinned.

He inched his face closer and kissed me gently. I kissed him back. It was soft and sweet. After a moment, we pulled away when we heard Darry shout that breakfast was ready.

We ran back into the living room and found the gang crowded in the kitchen, grabbing a plate. Pony and I got our own, and sat in the living room to eat.

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