Chapter 16- You complete me

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[Time skip: 2 weeks later]

It's been 2 weeks since Taehyung proposed me. Taehyung's dad accepted me like his own daughter. Tomorrow me and Taehyung are getting married. I stood up and walked up to the closet and admired my wedding dress. It was a beautiful off-shoulder white dress with laces, crystal stones and a bit of glitter. Unknowingly, a smile crept on my face

"Shouldn't you be enjoying today's night?" Ji-ah asked leaning on the door drawing my attention towards her

"I heard somewhere that you should spend the day before you're wedding with you family members. I don't have a family so I'll spend it with you. You're my only family" I replied. Ji-ah came and hugged me tightly 

"I'm going to miss you, Y/n! Don't forget me after getting married" She said 

"Yah! Why will I forget you?" I replied pouting

"Let's watch some movies. Today is your last day in this house" Ji-ah said as I nodded and we both went to the living room for a movie night. Ji-ah started searching for a good movie while I looked for snacks in the kitchen when my phone rang. A smile crept on my face seeing the caller id, it was Taehyung


"What are you doing?" He asked

"Why do you care? I'm spending time with my best friend" I replied in a mocking manner

"Of course I care, my soon to be wifey" He replied making me blush 

"What about you? What are you up to, my soon to be husband?" I spoke

"Ah! My soft heart! My heart is about to explode!" He replied in a dramatic way making me chuckle

"Ah, my hyungs choosing a suit for me" 

"You still didn't choose one!? Taehyung!?" I yelled

"Yah! Don't yell at me! I already short-listed 5 out of 10, now I need to select one" He replied

"You rich brats! I have to accompany Ji-ah now, see you tomorrow" I said

"See you tomorrow, wifey! Good night" He said as I hummed in response. Disconnecting the call, I went and accompanied Ji-ah for the movie night

[Time skip: Next day, wedding hall]

"Is everything ready? The guests have arrived" Namjoon asked for the last time

"Hyung! Everything is ready! Calm down!" Jungkook reassured 

"Why do I feel like Taehyung is my son? Gosh! I'm so stressed" Namjoon spoke sighing heavily

"Namjoon, you take some rest, we will take care of the rest" Seokjin said as the other's nodded

"V Hyung is coming from the hospital with his dad, Yoongi and Hoseok Hyung are managing the guests and all, Jimin Hyung taking a look over the decoration and I'm assisting you" Jungkook said

"Where's Y/n?" 

"Ji-ah is helping her to get ready" Jungkook replied

"Great! Ask everyone to get ready, the ceremony starts in 30 minutes" Seokjin replied

[Dressing room]

"Aww, Y/n! You look so pretty!" Ji-ah whined making me chuckle 

"Thank you so-" We were interrupted by a knock on the door. Ji-ah went to open the door

"Ji-ah where's- OH MY HOLY SHIT YOU LOOK PRETTY!" Jungkook exclaimed making us burst out in laughter

"Why are you here?" Ji-ah asked

"Seokjin Hyung asked me to call you guys since it's already time for the ceremony"

"We'll be there in a minute" I replied and Jungkook left

"My Y/n, let's go" Ji-ah said hugging me as I nodded 

[Wedding ceremony]

"I swear I've never seen 6 handsome groom's men" Ji-ah said winking

"Yah! Shut up! Be loyal to your man!" I replied as she chuckled 

Walking down the aisle, people started clapping on seeing the bride. My eyes landed on my soon to be husband, Kim Taehyung. He looked breathe-taking. He was in a black suit, with black shoes and hair styled neatly with a strand of hair on his forehead making him look kind of... hot

I stood in front of him as the priest started saying the vows

"Do you, Kim Taehyung take Park Y/n as your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asked

"I take Park Y/n as my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part" Taehyung replied 

"Do you, Park Y/n, take Kim Taehyung as your lawfully wedded husband?" the priest asked

"I take Kim Taehyung as my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part" I replied with a smile 

"You may now kiss the bride" The priest announced as Taehyung took steps towards me. Pulling me by my waist, he kissed me with pure love while I wrapped my arms around his waist. 

"Happy married life..."

[Time skip: 5 years later]

".... and this is how me and your mother got married" Taehyung said to our kids, Youna and Taehyun.

"So you and mommy knew each other for a long time?" Youna asked

"Yes, when we were kids like you, since then we knew each other" Taehyung replied

"You love mommy a lot right?" Taehyun asked as Taehyung nodded happily

"Yes! now we will have a sibling!" Youna said and started jumping around making me and Taehyung confused

"What do you mean honey?" I asked them

"Aunt Ji-ah and Seokjin uncle said a kid is born when two people love each other" Youna replied innocently 

"Youna and Taehyun how about you both go to bed hmm?" I said as the two kids nodded happily and went to their bedroom while I looked over to Taehyung with a raised eyebrows 

"I swear I'm never sending them to Ji-ah and Seokjin's place anymore" I said as Taehyung started laughing 

"How about we give them a sibling?" Taehyung asked wrapping his arms around my waist

"Yah! You pervert!" I replied hitting his arm playfully 

"Ah, sorry. I love you" He said with a boxy smile

"I love you more" I replied resting my forehead on his

"You complete me"

"Yes, Mr. Tinder guy" I replied making him chuckle  

I love you without knowing how or when or from where. I love you simply without problems or pride. I love you in the way because I don't know any other way of loving

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