Chapter 5

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As I pushed open the heavy doors to the school I walked out letting the cool air hit me. My wavy brown hair flew back in the wind as I squinted.

I heard a low chuckle, "Looking good there"

My head snapped to the smart remark. My eyes met with Bobby's as he kicked himself off the brick wall he was leaning against.

I rolled my eyes over this feud we've continued for a few hours now, "Leave me alone"

He walked closer to me. I began walking making sure he didn't have time to catch up to my pace. Clearly I thought wrong when I found him next to me while looking ahead of us.

"Look, I just want one date and I wo-" He began before I backfired at him.

"And you won't bother me anymore?" I let out a dry unamused laugh. Of course he would bother me, like that line hadn't been said once or twice before.

I saw him snap for the first time since I'd been here. It actually shocked me, I guess he wasn't all about fun and games. Hmm

"Why are you so difficult?" He asked me with complete seriousness. Hell if I know.

"You're a prick" I said beneath my breath before leaving him standing there. Or atleast I thought I did, that was until he met up with me. I continued walking trying to pretend he didn't even live on this planet.

"Why can't you just give me one date?" He pleaded to me as if he really was desperate. I tried to hold in a giggle at the puppy face he was giving me... And the prick was back to fun and games. Figures.

"Because people like you," I said while extending my finger towards his chest, "and people like me," I said but this time pointed to myself. "don't mix."

I turned on my heel and kicked the little rocks that lied on the sidewalk while walking.

"You're right." He said leaving me completely speechless. He sure was full of surprises. Being the bad boy he was he wasn't being very bad boyish.

"Thank you.." I let out while continuing my walk until I heard footsteps following close behind me.

I let a sigh before directing my feet to turn the complete opposite direction. Here we go again.

"Look prick I'm no-" I started before letting my eyes adjust. Where did that prick go?

I looked to my left and then my right... So he was gone? I let it sink in before almost turning around until I heard, "Over her babe, did you honestly think I was going to leave that quick?"

I turned to my left once again looking in the same direction I had just looked.

"Don't call me babe." I said through clentched teeth.

He chuckled and grabbed my hand pulling he close to his chest. I could hear his breath breathing on my cheeks. His heartbeat in a steady beat. And somehow being this close to him made me...nervous? WHAT THE HELL!

He looked at my eyes, then my nose, and then to my lips. He let his eyes wonder to my hair while tilting his head to the side. He tucked my hair behind my ear before leaning to my ear and saying, "I'm better at this game than you, so don't be so stubborn."

Ugh! So bittersweet. His hot breath against my cheek was no longer any of my worries. Who the hell did he think he was telling me what to do?! That dumb controlling heartbreaking bad boy prick!

I scoffed, time to show him I was better than him. Time for him to get what he was asking for his whole damn life. A heartbreak.

I leaned in close to his ear letting my lips graze against his ear before whispering seducively, "Don't let your cocky badass self get too caught up. You don't know who your messing with, prick."

I could feel his smirk growing on his lips. Oh great Iris, just go around opening your stubborn mouth like you played this game before. I sighed, At all cost I would give him what he deserved.

I let him sink in what I said before pulling away. His grin only stayed as he stared at me like he had just had dinner waiting for his desert.

I bit my lip, and just as I did I gave him one last glance and turned back on my heal for the final time.

It was almost 6 o'clock pm when I got home. I guess time really flies when you're keeping yourself occupied.

I walked through the door letting it creep open slowly as I yelled out, "MOM! DAD! ANYONE HOME?!"

I glanced around the room finally letting my feet touch the hard wood floors. I shut the door behind me while sighing. Where are they?

I let myself lean against the door while falling to the ground. A tear slipped down my face as I whispered, "Why are you never here?" I desperately cried out, straining for someone to save me from slipping on ice.

I quickly sniffled while whiping away the tear that slipped. I can't cry, no matter how bad it hurt.

I wouldn't let their tardiness in my life bother me. I had bigger problems to worry about. Like making friends tomorrow, maybe I could eat lunch with Savannah tomorrow?, getting my homework done, most importantly, figuring out how to break his heart.

And then an idea hit me. I would do just as I always did, lay the rules out for him. Seeing how he was consistant and determined I figure the rules would be easy for him, he doesn't come off as a quiter to me.

I quickly ran up the steps into my average sized room. I pulled my desk drawer open to reveal loads of pens,pencils, highlighters, pictures, and other random materials.

I grabbed the first pencil I could spot. Suddenly realizing I needed a paper to get started. I scrammed through my bookbag before grabbing a perfectly white sheet. I sat at my computer desk with my materials in my hand.

I wrote at the very top "How to Break a Bad Boy's Heart"

Perfect! I then began writing very neatly with the pencil I held in my hand

"Rule #1"  ....



I would LOVE to know how everyone feels about this book so far. xD

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