Chapter 24

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I stroked into Mr.Tenners classroom completely oblivious to the fact that I was late and everyone had their eyes on me.

“Mind explaining yourself Ms.Swanders?” Mr.Tenners pressed impatiently.

“It’s pretty self-explanatory, I’m late” I said with my good ole’ attitude, ready to blow at anyone who stepped a foot on my bad side. My head felt like cross-bow arrows were jabbing into me, Bobby was making my head spin, and Seth was upset about something I did but didn’t even know!

I needed answers…. And fast!

“Take a seat” He replied more impatient and forward than last time. I nodded my head slightly with a blank expression and paced myself to the seat in the back. Usually, Bobby would be here sitting right next to me but he wasn’t this time. This time he was enjoying his time with Savannah and pestering others.

Gosh, I don’t even know why I care so much as to where he is. He’s a total douche!

My eyes scanned the room as they settled on a boy who looked sad. My head cocked to the side as I took in his features, trying to analyze him to the core. His eyes looked to be pleading, begging, for some kind of help. His lips were formed into a small frown, barely noticeable if you weren’t looking so hard. His cheeks tinted with a bit of red as his eyes were placed on the very paper before him.

As I stopped myself from focusing on his single features I took in his whole facial and realized it was Seth. My Seth Wright.

Why was he so upset? Could I help him? Would he tell me what I did wrong?

I pried at my hair in frustration while letting out a muffled groan. I can’t deal with all of this all at once. I just need to get away for a day at the least. Figure things out for myself, and by myself.

I excused myself from the classroom without a single word as questionable looks crossed everyone’s face. My eyes landed on Seth as if I were debating whether I should really leave for the night, and my question was answered when he didn’t dare connect his eyes with mine. I didn’t need answers right now, I needed to get away.

My focus was now making it out of this school without verbally abusing someone. Especially if this someone were to be innocent.

I passed the lockers in a fierce walk as I was nearly approaching the front doors until a recognizable voice traveled into my ears.

“Iris?” The husky voice questioned as I snapped around to meet the voice of the speaker.

“What?” I asked irritably not wanting to blow on Carter because he was nice to me.

“Oh… um-ur I was just wondering..” He said while trailing off awkwardly and letting his hand scratch the back of his neck, “If you wanted to.. um… go on a.. date… sometimes?”

His eyes begged for a yes but I couldn’t agree to this. Three guys; I’m starting to sound like a slut.

“I’m sorry Carter, I can’t right now” I replied smoothly, truly sorry that I couldn’t go on a date with him right now. But being friends with him put me at ease; he’s my friend he’ll be sure to understand.

“I understand” Carter said with least bit of disappointment as he tried to mask the pain he was feeling. My eyes pricked with tears as I realized I had hurt him. I couldn’t do this. I just couldn’t.

I was at a breaking point with myself. Everything that’s happened since I’ve been here, at this school, has not helped me or anyone else for that matter. Carter deserved better than some lonesome girl who was stuck in a mess of her own. I mean trying to break the bad boy’s heart? WHAT WAS I THINKING!

Or maybe the fact that Seth couldn’t even look me in the eyes today or maybe it was the sad sad look in Carter’s eyes. Maybe just maybe it was the fact that I was as broken as it got in this world. Whatever it was; Carter deserved better than a girl like me.

My fingers brushed the tears a way as I gulped down anything I was feeling and turned on my heel. I headed for the front doors as everything around me felt disconnected from me.

There were a few things that Bobby and I had in common. One being that we were both amused by the little things in life. Another reason being that we were stubborn, and broken. We were both so broken and torn apart.  For different reasons I assume, but none the less broken. We both were on the edge of a cliff and always testing people.

I laughed slightly as the massive wind blew through me, almost blowing all my problems away with it. It took a total break down and too many problems to juggle to realize I was more like Bobby than I thought. It took today to realize I had feelings for that self-centered jerk.  Feelings that would hurt to let go. I admit it, today I admit I cared for that boy.

Was this the reason I wouldn’t let go of the bet? Was it because I was afraid of losing him in all?

My head flew back as my laughter traveled up.  It wasn’t until I heard a too familiar voice that I happened to hear everywhere I went.

“What are you doing out here?” He asked with knitted eyebrows clearly confused by my crazy laughter.

I shrugged lightly while replying, “You know Bobby, I never thought I’d be in this position.”

“What are you talking about?” He asked amused by my laughter, my goofy smile plastered on my face, and the tears streaming down my face.

Gosh, I probably look insane.

“I’m talking about the fact that I can’t let you go” My voice cracked as more tears flew from my eyes and my head cocked to look at his eyes.

“Is that so?” He asked a little amused with pretty starry eyes that I only ever saw from him every so often.

“Yea” I whispered lightly while letting my eyes fall to the ground.

And just when I thought I saw a light in the very boy before me. Just when I thought I saw good in him he back fired with laughter and replied with a cocked eyebrow, “Falling for me Swanders?”

I shook my head at his cockiness; even when I tell him that I care for him he finds a way to make it feel so cold and bitter.

I wanted to scream at him and tell him how much I hated him, but instead I found my feet walking hastily away until a hand gripped my wrist not allowing me to leave.

“Stay” He whispered huskily as more tears swamped my face.

“Why” I angrily poured out while snapping my head around so we were eye to eye. I continued my rant furiously, “WHY SHOULD I STAY BOBBY? HUH? I DON’T WANT TO CARE FOR YOU, SO STOP MAKING ME CARE!”

His voice took me by surprise as he said in a low whisper, “Because for some odd reason when you’re here is the only time I’m happy.”

And for the first time ever, I’d believe that I caught Bobby Anderson being honest with me.

“Why?” I cracked out completely and utterly confused. I was his toy not the girl he could fall in love with, we were both just trying to win this bet. So far I was more than positive he was winning.

He shrugged carelessly while responding huskily, “I don’t know Iris, but I do know if you’re not here tomorrow then I won’t be happy.”

I fell into his arms helplessly as he held onto the weight I couldn’t carry myself. Why? Why couldn’t he just admit that he couldn’t let me go like I couldn’t? Why did he have to confuse me?

There’s so much pushing and pulling that we do that it felt impossible for us to be real with each other. Was he even serious now or just kidding? Was he only trying to win the bet with his words? Whatever it was; I believed him and every word he said.

I forcefully pulled away and responded with whatever confidence in my words I had, "Well, I won't be here tomorrow so you'll have to do without... I need time to think"

And with that I was on my way home.

Did Bobby even really care that I wouldn't be there tomorrow?

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