Chapter 15

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My eyes squinted open to reveal a light. Of course it was the light coming from a ceiling. I noticed I wasn't in a nice comfy bed, or in the nurses office.

I awoke to the sounds of grunts and crashes and burns. My eyes shot wide open as I instantly sat up.

"Ow", I said painfully grabbing the back of my head. I must've took a hard fall, I mean considering I just fell on the hard cemented supply closet.

"Hey", I heard Carter say almost in a whisper when he asked, "You okay?"

I snapped. I had finally had enough today, "Yes, I'm fine, I just wish every knew I was fine!"

He put his hands up as to surrender and shifted his eyes back to what was happening before me. I was horrified that not either of them had recognised my fall, but also to that they were beating each other into the ground.

I was at a loss for words.

I wanted to stop it, but I had no idea what either of them were capable of, but it couldn't be good.

Bobby shoved Seth against the supply closet door, as it was now closed. He had pinned Seth by his red shirt he wore today, and held tightly with a grip. He released one of his hands from the shirt and raised a fist to punch Seth in the face.

Seth pushed him off a little, but not enough. Bobby's knuckles came crashing down onto the side of Seth's face making his head jerk to the side. I saw the blood boil in Seth, as well as his face,as he punched Bobby in the stomach.

Bobby was caught off guard by his stunt and took little acknowledgment to Seth, but to his,what was sure to be a bruised, stomach. Knowing that he could very well get away with jabbing Bobby a few more times Seth took no time.

He pushed Bobby into a wall which made Bobby let out a small grunt in displeasure. He threw Bobby to the ground knowing he was weaker now. I figured the only reason he was pushing Bobby around was so he knew Bobby would be too weak to retaliate.

As Bobby fell to the ground he groaned in pain. Seth walked over to him and crouched to his level. He raised his hand in the air and punched Bobby in the eye. Bobby yelped a little quiet, but enough to know he felt it. Seth then got up and kicked Bobby's now bruised stomach repeatedly.

Just when I thought he was going to stop he got back down on his knees and whispered something to Bobby through clenched teeth.

He raised his arm just above his head and was going to bash his fist into Bobby's face when I finally found my courage.

I grabbed Seth's arm and said firmly but not loud, "Enough."

His features instantly softened as he could see that I too was in pain, vulnerable, and tired. He nodded his head and got off the ground as Bobby groaned in pain.

I looked at Seth with sad eyes. He looked at me too, but it looked like he was ashamed. I gave him a small smile and kissed his cheek. Right before pulling away I let my lips pull apart and whisper, "Have better nights, Seth. Don't let this pain haunt you... because if you need me, I'm here."

I could tell he was relieved with what I had to say. I think he thought I was just going to abandon him, but the moment he saved my life was the moment I promised to forever take care of Seth Wright.

He hugged me so tight I thought I lost circulation. I felt his hand wrap around my spine as the other wrapped around my head. He played with my hair for a second before mumbling against it, "Thank you"

I nodded a little, but couldn't do it exactly since his hug was enclosing the space we had. I let a single tear fall down my cheek, but made sure that was the only one. I rolled my eyes at myself. As if that was the only tear I cried... Not.

He pulled away from my arms while giving me one my favorite smile. A genuine innocent sweet smile that could make an girl fall in love.

He slowly turned the knob of the door open and said,"Bye Iris"

Instead of talking I just waved to him and watched as he left. My head shot to Bobby as I seen he was no longer grunting or moving.

My eyes grew with horror. WAS HE DEAD!?

I began pacing anxiously while biting my lip. I was just about to cry and scream at someone to call 9-1-1 when Bobby's voice came into play, "I don't know why you don't just admit you love me Swanders."

I shot deadly eyes at him as he smirked. His smirk was weak though, not the usual sexiness. His eyes were still closed and he wasn't moving, so how did he find it in him to talk?

My expression relaxed as I asked caring, "Why are you talking Bobby? You don't have that much strength."

He grunted a little as he tried to talk again, this time even weaker than before, "Because.... I was afraid you would worry if I was just lying here."

I thought I needed to be taken to the doctors. Had I just heard right? Bobby was afraid that I would worry too much. I would have of course! I mean who wouldn't? Then again his friends didn't seem all that worried when they left while Seth and I were embracing each other.

I bent down to his level. I grabbed his head soothingly, while feeling the softness of his luscious hair. I wanted to run my fingers through it and sing him a lullaby like my mother use to.

But I didn't, I did what a mother would do when they're child was hurt, and not going to bed. I rested his head on my lap as he let a moan. I said in a hush tone, "Shhhh.."

I extended my arms to his chest and lied them there. I let my head fall forward to his cheek as I kissed it.

He coughed a little blood out as I became more worried. I asked concerned, "Did he punch you that hard?"

Bobby mumbled, "No... Its fine"

How could I believe he was fine though. Here we were in the supply closet while class was happening and he was coughing up blood.

I decided not to question him farther even though I knew he was hiding something. I had to clean him up. I pealed my eyes away from him as I glanced around the room for a pillow of some sort.

When I found a chair in the corner with a cushion on it, My eyes gleamed with joy. I placed his head lightly to the ground as I gathered myself up. I ran to the cushion as fast possible and back to Bobby.

I lifted his head softly and laid it gently on the cushion. I let my hand stay on the back of his head when it traveled down to his neck. My eyes hit his face and I could feel the pain in my heart. He was broken too, a big broken mess.

Not just physically, but everywhere, on all edges. The bad boy was broken. Something he had tried so desperately to hide from the rest of the world. So by blocking people out, becoming cold and shallow, he avoided the mess he was.

Bobby coughed once again, this time no blood spilt out, he asked hoarsely, "What are you still doing here? You can just get the nurse if you want, I'll be fine there."

I furiously shook my head at him. No way in hell am I leaving him in a time of need. I said something that I knew I meant, it was so genuine and soft, "You need me Bobby, and until you heal, I won't leave."

He didn't know what that meant exactly, but I did. I would be his knight in shining armor like Seth was doing for me, and maybe even Bobby was doing same.

I was confusing myself. I was caring so strongly for him.... Do I have feelings for him? No, I just felt guilty about earlier and their fight. If I hadn't been there they wouldn't have been left in bad condition.

I heard Bobby chuckle lightly as he said close to no sound, "Iris, are we still going out tonight? I REALLY want the kiss so don't sa-"

I busted out with laughter. This boy was so determined for the taste of my lips, but I couldn't deny I wanted his as well..

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