Chapter 11

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"Well, what do you think?" he asked proudly. I looked inside the cafe and said while glaring at him, "Its an improvement from our first date."

He rolled his eyes as a waiter passed and pulled on his sleeve asking, "Table for two."

The waiter looked at Bobby and instantly became his servant. Ugh, I can't stand how people bow down to him. I mean come on, even outside of school!?

"Right this way" the waiter replied striding over to a booth. He placed two menus on each side and turned his head to us while smiling, "I'll give you a few minutes."

I nodded my head with eyebrows raised, what a dweeb. I looked at Bobby who was already seated and looking at the menu. He sure doesn't waste his time.

As I took a seat on the red squishy booth I became annoyed. He's barely acknowledged me, he was definitely not going to fall in love with me this way.

Initiating conversation I asked, "Sooo.... why were you beating up Derek?"

He glanced up while setting the menu on the table. Finally, his attention. He looked at me with narrowed eyes and replied bitterly, "That's my business. Why were you crying?"

HE SAW ME CRYING! How did he know I was crying. A little stunned by his question I stuttered, "I-I wasn't cr-crying"

He rolled his eyes and leaned in closer to me, "Your eyes were red when you encountered Derek and I's playdate."

"That's gay" I told him matter-of-factly. And smirked as his fell.I had to stop if I was going to get him to like me. Starting now.

He became hard once again and ignored my last statement, " Why were you crying?"

I sighed while looking down at the menu before me and muttered, "When I'm ready... I'll tell you"

"Fair enough" He said removing his eyes from and on the menu in front of us. I glanced up at him every so often. I knew him for about four days and I felt like I've known him my whole life. Well, we treat each other that way anyways.

I could tell he was irritated with silence. I took notice to his frustration and implied, "This would probably be a good time for us to actually get to know each other."

He snapped his head to me and replied, " What do you want to know?"

I sat long and hard for a good two minutes before my eyes lit up and I smiled devilishly while asking, "Who was your first kiss?"

He smirked and said while shivering, "Destiny Miller"

I snorted at his reaction to her name and asked while giggling, "Was she that bad?"

His eyes went larger than golf balls when he repeated my question, "Was she that bad? She was TERRIBLE"

I smiled widely and began to laugh. I slowly came to a halt when I felt his eyes viewing me. I looked up into his hazel brown eyes and asked,"What?"

He smiled goofy and replied sheepishly, "Nothing."

I began to tease him, "Is Mr. Bad boy actually becoming soft."

Wrong move, Iris, wrong move. He stiffened up and his face became harder than steel. I could feel his glare as to say, does it look like I'm soft?

I looked down at the food in front of us, not realising when it actually came. I played with the food for a minute or two when Bobby's voice bit like a snake, "Are you going to eat the food are just play house with it?"

I gulped down and placed my hands on my burger to bring it to my mouth. I took a huge bite and let the food pamper my taste bugs. Once I had digested the food I slurped a drink of my Dr.pepper.

Bobby stood up, so I figured that meant we were leaving. He placed the money on the table while grabbing his leather jacket that he wore everyday, and threw it on over his arms. I watched his every move until his eyes met mine and I realized I was staring.

"Let's go" He muttered under his breath as he began walking out of the cafe leaving me in the booth. I look quick steps and followed him out to the parking lot. He was already on the running motorcycle as he began snapping his helmet on.

"Get on" He demanded of me while not daring to look me in the face. I rolled my eyes but decided he wasn't even worth a fight.

I got on without a question and placed the fire-red helmet on the base of my head. I let my hands snake around his waist as he pulled out of the cafe.

We approached my driveway when he turned off the motorcycle. I attempted to get off, but my pant leg go caught on his motorcycle.

I laugh nervously and said, "Ummm"

His head turned around as he let out a chuckle when he saw that I was stuck. He climbed off the bike and crouched down to the motorcycles level. I felt my pant leg rip as I began to fall back. Surely I was going to hit the ground I squeezed my eyes and squealed.

When I found I didn't hit the cement ground, I felt arms wrapped around me. I opened my eyes to reveal Bobby holding me so close I could feel his breath. My heart was pounding a million miles per hour. I strangely was attracted to his nice peachy lips, but told myself NO, Just break his hearts, only three more dates before the kiss.

I looked away, breaking our locked eyes and stood to my feet. "Thank you for taking me out tonight" I told him genuinely.

He just stood there staring blankly but finally said, "No problem Swanders"

I nodded my head, just about to go into my house when he asked while scratching his neck, "Uhh.... I have tickets for a concert if you want... to go... with me?"

I wanted to die of laughter of how horribly he was on asking out girls on dates. I nodded my head while biting my lip. I went to turn the knob when he said, "And don't bite your lip, it turns me on"

I could feel his smirk as my cheeks went red. How dare he tell me what to do! I'll show him. At least now I have one of his weaknesses.

I glared at him before spitting out, "Bastard." I opened my door while jerking myself in and slamming the door behind me. I heard the engine of his motorcycle start as the noise faded in to the distance.

I ran up the steps and got out the piece of paper I had been working hard on. The title reading

"How to Break a Bad Boy's Heart"

Underneath it reading, "Rule. #1 Five dates equals first kiss." I smiled to myself knowing rule one was almost half way completed. 

I looked down at rule two and smiled evilly, oh boy he was in for a treat. I grabbed my perfectly sharpened pencil and wrote "Side notes: Know his weaknesses: Biting lip turns prick on"

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