chapter fourteen

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My feet stumble against a hard substance. When my eyes look up to see what has caused my missteps, I see Laurance.

"Laurance, I'm sorry," I say, though I don't believe the accident was entirely my fault, I can't help hit to apologize anyway.

He stares at me before shaking his head. He seems to be on a mission and walks away from me with no words spoken. I grow offended. This isn't like the Laurance I know, so I do not understand why Laurance is acting the way he is.

I rush off after him, following his footsteps until he arrives at Alex's chambers. He doesn't dare knock and opens the heavy doors. They close with a heavy slam and cause me to flinch at the volume.

"I finished my meeting," he says, standing near the doorway. It's like he's speaking to no one in particular, but I can tell he's speaking to Alex even if her back is to him. "The prince shall be leaving in mere minutes, and we are to dismiss him like the proper hosts we are."

Alex stands up from her desk, her quill being placed in its holder. I look at Laurance, being face to face with his backside. I can't help lower my gaze to the floor.

"And the meeting?" Alex asks, lifting an eyebrow at Laurance. Laurance says nothing, but the sound of footsteps alert me that we are leaving to dismiss him now.

The walks is quick and filled with the sounds of only footsteps. No talking. It's an uncomfortable silence while we trail behind Laurance. Why, I hate this very much.

The dismissal isn't anything special. The prince seems distinct from us all, but I can tell there is much one everyone's mind. The king shares a silent conversation with Hayden before he goes into his carriage, Leo following after. He locks eyes with Laurance before breaking the contact and going inside. We stand until the prince is no where in sight before heading inside.

While Hayden heads to his study, Laurance is forced to stay back with us. If it was his own choice or Hayden's I'll never know. He looks between us before frowning. "I suppose it's time to relay a message," he says before beginning to walk off again.

We follow quickly behind, but I've already grown annoyed from this all. Why can't he just stay still and deliver the message.

Laurance walks into the library, sitting in a single person chair before looking at us once more. He motions to the love seat with a nod of his head. Obeying, we sit with our hands on our laps.

"Any engagement with Prince Leonardo has been put on hold," he says. His voice is firm and monotone as he speaks. He doesn't seem to have much interest in repeating his words. "There have been no decisions on whom shall give their hand in marriage to the prince."

I have no words. I grew content with marrying the prince, but there was never a meeting until now when Alex came back. Of course the prince wasn't someone that I would've chosen as a suitor myself, but I grew custom to the idea.

"I find it hard to believe that there are no preferences in mind," Alex says, looking over a Laurance. She seems unamused.

Soon after her words, she scolded. This causes bickering amongst the only for the attention to fall upon me when I'm brought into the conversation.

It was exactly like I thought it would be. I am told that I am to remain as a princess and that there is no way for me to return to my prior life in the kingdom. My fate is sealed as a pretend royal.

"I'm the one who is to be married to Leonardo," Alex whispers, her voice quiet. The volume seemed to drop like her happiness. "That's why you never dared to look for another suitor. You don't wish for a scandal to unleash if Y/N is married to someone of high importance such as the prince. I know of her illegitimate birth! You knew this all along but never dared to tell us."

It is within that moment that everything begins to crash down in front of me. My confidence. What I have built up greatly with constant studying or placing myself among others who radiate it is disposed of. Whatever feelings I possessed for the prince are stripped away. Whatever future I dared imagine nonexistent.

My voice is shaky as I stand. I nearly fall as my knees give out. Laurance stands to catch me. My weight is transferred to him as he holds me up. "Laurance. . . is this true? There was never an intent for me to marry the prince? W-Who was I to marry?"

"Someone who wasn't heir," Laurance admits, refusing to share a gaze with me. I can only imagine how ashamed he must feel. "We couldn't risk a scandal."

Alex breaks out into hysterical laughter. "A scandal? A scandal! How hilarious! Oh, Laurance, do you truly believe I am as naive as you hope I am? Y/N is a scandal on her own that you and father created. But you. . . you are a scandal due to growing feelings you possess for her. I see it constantly," she says, shaking her head. "I have far too many scandals lined up from my selfishness. You've read my letters."

Laurance looks her in the eye. "They don't mean anything if not brought to light."

Alex stares at him. "All but one," she says before looking down at herself. "I'm with child."

Alex's POV

There's a silence in the room, and I find it hard to believe that Laurance's knees won't collapse on himself.

It is to my knowledge from Taryn that I am with child. But from my knowledge of when it could've happened, it can't be for more than two months or so. . . if at a full two months.

The doors open behind us, but no dares to move. I'm given a letter, stated that a message came speaking of urgency. Another goes to Laurance, but he doesn't dare look at the servant when he receives it.

It is with a saddened heart to deliver news of my dear brother's passing. Mother and father have come to tell Garroth and I both this morning that Zane had passed within his sleep.

It appears the sickness had only taken a momentary pause to fool us into believing he was well. While he is forever well now, he left behind grieving hearts. A funeral is still in the making, but I don't believe it to be very large.

Father has locked himself away in this study more than normal, and mother had is left behind shattered. Garroth has taken it upon himself to care for her despite his own sadness. It appears that I have risen in my ranking in the worst possible way.

Princess, I apologize if I have worried you, but it is within my duty that I deliver these saddening news.

V. Ro'meave

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