chapter twenty

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I've avoided my feelings for a great period of time. No where in my books did it ever say what to do when you fall in love with someone else. In the diary and letters there was constant reminders of pretending the feeling isn't there, but it can't only do so much. I have been pretending for so long that there was nothing. I have been pretending for so long that I don't love Laurance. I can only tell myself so many times that I love Leo, but it's hard to do that when I know I'm lying to myself.

I sigh, "Laurance, you and I both know that we can never happen. You're engaged, and. . . and, well I'm complicated. I couldn't be the queen you would need."

"You're the queen I would want," he says, shaking his head as he places his other hand over mine. He stops walking, pulling me close to his chest. I look away, but he moves my face to look at him. "You're everything I could want in a wife, Y/N. Who else would've stood up for me to my father the way you had? Y/N, I'm tired of pretending that you're not the woman I want to marry."

In the kingdom, this would've been so much easier. If we were both commoners, I would jump into his arms from the immense joy this would've caused to know. But we're not, and love isn't an option for us anymore.

"Laurance, I should go to my chambers. You'll be having your meetings with your father soon," I tell him, pulling myself out of his touch. The sudden coolness saddens me, but it's necessary. "I shouldn't be in the way when that happens."


Alex's POV

It is times like these that make me fear for the well being of O'Khasis. It hasn't been long since Zane's passing, but a scandal has risen in the kingdom.

As of last night, Garroth has decided to elope with a commoner of a different village. Because of this marriage, he has lost his rights of being heir to the throne. I fear the title has fallen upon me.

Mon amour, I'm terrified of my future. I wasn't granted the training Garroth was given because it was least likely that I would become king. I don't have an engagement, and the lady whom I would wish to be betrothed to is far from my reach. How I wish we could elope like Garroth has, but I could never be so selfish enough as to leave my dear mother without her last fine. . . nor O'Khasis without a proper heir. I'm near seventeen, but even then I fear I'm too young to be a good ruler.

Would O'Khasis burn under my rule? Would unions form to overthrow me and my family? Would I be the cause of O'Khasis' downfall? Please, sooth my worries with your angelic words.

I have found myself in father's study. It's dreadful in here. The air is stuffy, and I feel cramped from the piles of papers all around me. I'm rushed with this letters due to father's absence from his study. Matters have grown stressful as suitors are being looked for and coronations are being planned. If only you could solve our problems.

I can only think of father writing to Hayden. It feels like we're starting over again, but I cannot pinpoint how this will end.

I do not expect a response from due to having troubled you with my problems. I am only grateful that you have read them.

V. Ro'meave

My hand flies over my mouth in disbelief. Garroth has had a secret lover all of this time and has decided to choose love over duty. . . he has caused a scandal for a powerhouse kingdom.

The letter becomes crinkled as I stand from my desk. I don't dare push my chair in before I find myself rushing to the door. I bump into a servant when I open the door, but I couldn't care less in this moment. I'm more concerned about finding Laurance before he commits himself into a meeting with father.

If Garroth has ignored his duty to marry the Princess of Scaleswind, Y/N must marry the prince in my place. Who knows how ties will be because of this.

"Laurance, oh Laurance!" I yell out, hearing my words echo down the endless hallways. "Please Laurance, please be near!"

I feel frantic and disorganized. I must look a mess. I feel like a mess. My hair has already begun to fall from its place on the top of my head.

A mop of brown hair turns a corner and rushes towards, placing his hands against my forearms. "Alex, please. Alex, please calm down. What's the matter?"

There's a lump in my throat as I hand the letter over in defeat. Silence has defeated my sound. "Laurance, Y/N has to marry the prince. I don't know how well ties like this hold up with broken engagements."

He holds onto the paper harshly and kisses the top of my head in a rushed manner. "You may have solved your scandal problem, but now there's a new problem rising from all of this."

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