chapter twenty three

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Alex's POV

Being locked away in a room isn't my ideal of a wonderful day. I can look out the window, but I know no one that is around me. They've dressed me, bathed me, styled me, but they're strangers to me.

Finding my way around the palace is challenging, and Vylad is constantly with Garte learning the proper duties of what's it's like to be king. Zianna has decided that she will escort me around O'Khasis without Vylad to show their kingdom their future queen. She's so kind, so lovable. The kingdom is lucky to have a queen like her.

My chamber doors open, and Zianna walks in. "Before we leave, I have a gift for you," she says, flashing her warm smile to me before motioning for me to close my eyes and hold my hands out.

A case is placed in the palm of my hands. I can hear the case open and being told to open to open my eyes.

There's a jewel's set in front of me, glittering and shining in the light. "Your Majesty-" I start, but Zianna interrupts, shaking her head with a soft smile. She takes the case from my hand and places it on the desk nearby.

"No, no formalities," she insists, reaching for the necklace to unclasp it and hook around my neck. "You are to be a part of the family. Garte gave me these jewels shortly after our wedding. He said they were brought down from generation to generation. Even if my son isn't presenting them himself, and it's before your marriage, I feel like it's my duty to give them now and for you to walk around the kingdom with them on."

I look into the mirror as I reach for an earring, watching as it dangles from my ear. Zianna seems pleased with herself as her eyes scan over my body and stops at my stomach. I grow nervous. She knows of my pregnancy, but it doesn't make it any less nerve wracking.

She giggles. I've always questioned why's he wasn't as disappointed or angered as everyone was. "I suppose the new generation isn't as traditional," she says, slowly turning on her heel to walk forward. "Come, lets show you off once more. I'm sure they have many things they'd like to say."


So many people. There's so many people I couldn't possibly put names to faces. Zianna couldn't help me with this.

They all seemed to be so kind. They spoke highly of Vylad and would say how they saw me back at our last visit. Concerns about the village were told, and I wished I would've had a quill and paper to write them all down.

Zianna seemed pleased with my meetings. While she walked me around with guards walking shortly behind, she allowed me to put input on where I wanted to go and talk to whom I wanted to. Father never let me do that. Father never let me go into the kingdom for years until recently.

It took hours on end to walk all around. Excitement filled the air as the kingdom was decorated. Had the princes been adored so much. Or is it that there's happiness after many events of gloom?

By the time we return back to the palace, I can see Vylad waiting at the staircase. After an approved nod by Zianna, I rush into his arms, feeling my skirts swish against each other other and hit my legs when I stop.

"I had the most joyful time!" I gleam, grasping onto his upper arms with the largest smile I have ever formed. "There were so many people with so much to say. They were all happy to see me, Vylad."

He laughs at this and presses a kiss against the top of my head. Slowly, he tucks a strand of my hair behind my head. "You mustn't tire yourself out now. You have a big day tomorrow, mon amour."

I shake my head. "You know I can talk until my voice gives out."

"I know that, but we have limited time together before duty calls and my mother steals you away from me once again."


I've seen carriages drive in past the gates. I've seen it for hours on end. I'm being dressed. Zianna has made it clear that she wishes to be in the room while I am prepared to make sure that I look my best. They've been kind enough to place me in front of the window so I can watch all the commotion.

The commoners have begun to line up by the palace gates just for the slightest chance of looking at us all. Is this what Cadenza felt on her wedding day? I've even seen my family's carriage, but I doubt I would see them until later.

"I remember my wedding day. I remember it well," Zianna begins, standing beside me. She's already dressed. I'd move my head to match her gaze, but I know that wouldn't perform well with the servants doing my hair. "I was so nervous. I barely knew Garte. He was kind during our engagement and courtship, kinder after our marriage. It's hard to believe it's been so many years since."

I watch a servant walk off to find my veil while the other walks to grab onto the jewels Zianna gave me yesterday. In my mind it makes me believe that they're doing it so we can have some form of privacy. "Is it wrong that I'm happy with how things turned out?"

Zianna looks down at me before taking my hand into her's, giving it a soft squeeze. "My dear, although it wasn't the ideal conclusion, it was what was best given the situation. As a mother, I'm happy because my son has found someone he loves. . . but please, tell me. Are your feelings for him genuine?"

I place my hand on top of her's offering a soft smile as I look up at her for reassurance. "I could not fake how happy and in love I am at this very moment for your son for anything in the world. For even with the Prince of Scaleswind, I longed for Vylad. I don't remember my mother, but I know how what it feels like to have one."

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