chapter two

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I felt as though I was late, and the look in Hayden's eyes makes me want to confirm this as true. But when I look into Laurance's eyes, his almost contradict Hayden's.

Growing up, the royal family appeared to be such a happy and wonderful family. Even though they didn't have a mother figure, they almost appeared to be perfect. I envied them in every way. The children had a father that loved them, and they were pampered beyond demand while I was left in the orphanage making sure the children under me had enough food to each each day even if it meant I didn't get as much. At least with those under me had a better chance of being adopted. But the older you get in an orphanage, you'll be lucky if you get adopted. Not everyone wants a sixteen year old girl when they can adopt a six year old. I'm eighteen, and it was almost time that Ms. Davis would have to let me out of the orphanage and let me live a life of my own. That is a life that I am not ready for just yet.

A small decorative glass plate is placed in front of me as it is accompanied with several spoons and forks. I look at it slightly overwhelmed, and I sneak a glance at Cadenza to see that she has already picked a fork and begun eating with it. This doesn't help me very much, and I look at Laurance hoping for some form of help, and he looks at me with a little chuckle and reaches for one of his forks. I nod my head almost unnoticeably and reach for the same fork to begin eating.

"Prince Leonardo will make an appearance tomorrow to meet Y/N. With this time we will give you both the opportunity to get to know each other and to bond." Hayden smiles, bringing a glass of dark liquid to his lips. Once his takes a sip, he moves the cup around to watch the red liquid move around in a circle to nearly touch the tip of the glass.

"Father, I must not understand what you mean by this," Laurance comments, his eyebrows furrowed together, slightly covering his blue eyes. "You said 'we,' but who could 'we' be? Is it the both of us?"

Hayden shakes his head. Hayden rolls his eyes at Laurance and smiles at Cadenza when she looks up at him. There's tension surrounding this table, and I don't like how I am the cause of it even if I haven't spoken a single word. "No Laurance, the King of Scaleswind will also be attending as we will be preparing future business affairs together. Cadenza will be fitted for her wedding dress, and you will continue to do what you have been doing. I want you to give space to both Y/N and Leonardo. Do you understand me? You will not get in between the both of them at any point with your petty comments you send towards the young prince. As the future King of Meteli, I shouldn't have to worry about these kind of problems coming from you, but yet I have to continue doing so. Maybe I should assign you lessons on proper manners once again. Or, I may just have to have your sister teach you the lessons herself seen as she understands manners."

"No, no, father there's no need!" Laurance's small outburst has given him a lifted eyebrow from Hayden, and Cadenza is startled when she looks at the male. These kinds of outbursts normally don't phase me, but I have never witnessed one between royals. "I'll keep my own matters to myself and leave their's to them. I will not get close to either of them unless I am told that I may, but there are no need for lessons."

Hayden hums a response of approval, and supper continues as Hayden switches to a new conversation that even has Laurance giving small and limited responses to.

I forget that Laurance is already eighteen and will soon be getting married to the Princess of Brightport. There must be so much stress among everyone in the palace, and Princess Alexandra's disappearance most likely hasn't helped with both weddings' planning. And now with my arrival, more stress must've been placed upon everyone's shoulders. It makes me feel horrible for it, but it also makes itself clear to me that there are things that the royal family refuse to tell those of us that live in the kingdom.

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