chapter eighteen

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I look down at my tea. I've been stirring the liquid for Irene knows how long while Laurance and I sit in utter silence. We've been back in Meteli for only a few days, yet we haven't had a time to properly sit down and enjoy each other's company.

Except we're not supposed to be alone, and the tea is running cold.

"Y/N, if you keep stirring so vigorously the teacup is destined to break."

I look up from the cup, letting go of the spoon in my hand. Hesitantly I place my hands in my lap and focus back on Laurance. He seems distracted as well, but it isn't nearly as bad as I was.

"If she takes any longer, the tea will run ice cold."

I could tell the tea was the least of his concerns. By coming back to Meteli, Laurance and Hayden had to pick up what they left to the side and add an additional load of new paperwork. This is one of the moments that he's able to take a breath.

I'd recommend taking a walk in the garden, but that appears to sooth me more than it would him.

In O'Khasis, even for sad reasons, Laurance's shoulders seemed to be weightless. While there was always the pressure of being a good heir, he was actually able to be himself. He seemed carefree and walked around with Garroth.

They fooled around and talked each other until they couldn't anymore. They would go outside and do little sparring from time to time up to the point where they caked each other in dirt. While it was casted aside as "boys will be boys," I think it was really them just being themselves.

The true Laurance Zvahl and Garroth Ro'meave without the pressure of having to be perfect. Without the pressure of knowing that they'll be leading a kingdom. Sure, they've been preparing all their lives for their future titles, but it doesn't make it any less stressful.

Laurance has made it that our tea session is on a balcony. The shade above me casts coolness to block out the sun's blazing heat. While my parasol can block out the sun, it can only do so much.

Soon, the soft sound of heels makes its way to us until it suddenly stops. I look up to see Alex. She sits slowly in the chair between us and appears to look as though she's seen a ghost.

Laurance takes notice of this as he motions for a servant to come forth. They scurry over quickly in order to take away the tea to warm it and to pour hot tea in Alex's tea cup.

"You're pale," he says, taking notice of her shaken form with a skeptical eye. "And you're late."

She's silent before letting out a shaky exhale. New tea is poured into my cup before I lift it to my lips. I hold the teacup there for a few moments, feeling the steam rise up and brush against the skin of my nose. I appear to have fallen silent myself.

"I was speaking with father."

Laurance lets out a hum before bringing his own glass to his lips. But instead of holding it there like I am, he takes a slow drink and brings it back to the saucer. "What about? I didn't know father wished to speak with you today."

"I hadn't either," she says, looking down at her cup. After realizing that I wasn't going to drink the tea, I bring it back down onto the saucer. "He stopped me in the hallway implying there were urgent matters he wished to discuss."

Laurance looks over to me, his eyes questionable. I could tell what his eyes are asking me. Did he discuss anything with you? No, no he didn't. He lets out another hum, acting as though those were the only sounds he could properly make. He seems just as stumped as I am.

The last thing Hayden had said to me lately is "hurry up Y/N. You mustn't be slow when so many of us are entering the carriage." That was days ago.

Hayden hasn't said a single thing to me since we were in O'Khasis. He's given me glances, many with remotely the same expression of annoyance.

"He wished to speak of offering my hand back in matrimony to Prince Leonardo." Laurance clears his throat after seeming to freeze with the cup pressed firmly against his lips. He blinks, slowly moving the teacup down. Laurance clearly didn't see this conversation coming so soon, but I cannot help but wonder how my marriage will work out. Will I be allowed to marry for love or sent to be a wife to a stranger?

"What happened for you to enter the way you have?"

She shakes her head, her hands wrapping around the teacup tightly. I watch as her knuckles slowly becoming ghostly white.

"An argument," Alex begins, her lips pursing together in a straight line. "Father knows that I am with child. . . and he wishes for an urgent meeting with you before he consults with othersa."

Laurance pales as well. The color in his cheeks has disappeared and the light in his eyes burnt out. Perhaps his heart has dropped to his stomach like mine. Does this mean they may risk a scandal of my own and continue my engagement with Leo?

"Laurance, he hit me."

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