chapter twenty one

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Third Person's POV

Fire crackles loudly in the library. Warmth fills the area as the smell of old books surrounds the room.

Y/N sits in a chair, holding onto a book acting as though she's reading it. Her mind runs wild with different scenarios of events she could only dream of. So much so she doesn't realize she's had company with her the entire time she's been lost in her thoughts.

A flick of a page here and there is heard from beside her, but her own book remains on the same page for endless minutes. Thoughts of Laurance fill her head. His smile. His laugh. His warm and comforting touch. How she adored him. How she loved him and envied his fiancée.

She loathed the king. She loathes him greatly. How dare he make her life so horrid. How could he present himself as a loving father to his kingdom but torment them behind palace walls. Produce children only to push them away to a new land.

Y/N didn't know that Hayden wasn't always this way. That once upon a time they all were a happy father. Of course a family without a mother. But instead, a family that loved each other dearly. Where laughter would ring through the halls and happy running to one another during blissful playtimes. Where hopes and dreams soared and were held onto.

But now, that's all gone. Power corrupts people and turns them into someone unrecognizable. Maybe, just maybe, thoughts like that ran through Garroth's head and made the choice to elope and run off so much easier. Maybe he feared he'd be like his father when he would take the thrown and would hate the person he'd become. Where he'd look himself in the mirrors and find a stranger staring back at him. He didn't want that.

"Laurance, what are you doing?" Cadenza asks, looking at her little brother. His feet barely dangling over the edge of his father's throne.

"Daddy says that I'm going to be king," he responds, looking her in the eyes. He enjoys where he's sitting. He looks up to his father finding no wrong in anything he could do. The kingdom seems to love him almost as much as Laurance does. "So I am being like daddy."

"You're too short to be like daddy," Cadenza responds, rolling her eyes in disapproval. "And you could never be like daddy. You're not ready to be king!"

"I don't have to be ready to be like daddy. Sitting in his throne makes me like him enough in my eyes. You're just jealous that I'm going to be king, and you won't."

Cadenza doesn't waste her breath to retaliate against Laurance's words. Instead she turns on her heels to walk away and leave Laurance with his delusions of ruling a kingdom.

Laurance watches as she walks away in fear. He didn't want her to leave him alone. He wants her to stay with him and thinking about how they would both rule their own kingdoms one day. But when Cadenza showed now sign of returning, Laurance tries his best to climb off of the large throne without falling onto his bottom.

His little feet make soft sounds of footsteps as he runs after Cadenza. He knew she was going to play, and he wanted to play too. He didn't want to learn. He wants to have fun.

With a simple misstep, Laurance trips and falls forward onto his knees. He lets out a small cry as he remains on his knees, upset with himself for falling down.

Heavier footsteps make themselves present at the sound of his cries. Soon, Laurance is lifted into the air and held onto in a warm embrace. "What happened?" The voice asks, pressing a soft kiss against the child's temple.

"I fall down. I wanted to play with them, but I fall down."

There's a soft chuckle coming from the king as he gently tickles the young prince's stomach to cause a giggle. "Fell, Laurance. You fell down," he corrects, looking down into his eyes. "But you need not to run. You know your sisters will let you play with them if you just ask. There's no harm in asking."

"Can't you play with us daddy?"

"I suppose I could spare some time for it."

The library doors open to reveal the now older prince. He walks into the room and seats himself down. He's a bit shaken himself, but he manages to gain the two female's attention. "We have decided on your engagements," he clarifies, finding it hard to share eye contact with either female. "Alex, it appears your wishes have been granted. Kingdom Garte and father both wish for you to marry Vylad, and your marriage has been moved up a considerable amount. You're wanted for a fitting after this conversation."

There's glee coming from Alex, but no one is able to share it with her. Laurance is upset with what else he has to say.

"Y/N, you needed an engagement. While Prince Leonardo has other suitors who would be glad to marry him while remaining peaceful with Meteli, father wants you married off and wants to have a certain peace tie no matter what. . . Y/N, you're engaged to Prince Leonardo once again and will marry him soon. It appears you both will be married before I will have the chance to. I, ah, I better dismiss you now. Duty calls."

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