chapter eight

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Laurance and I are walking around the garden, trying to wrap our heads around the current situation. I most certainly did not start us off on the correct foot. "Laurance, I'd greatly appreciate it if you could wave your hand and make this situation go away."

"Y/N, even if I were king I could not do that," he tells me, disapproval in his voice. "I wouldn't do it anyway. That's my sister."

"I'm your sister now," I say, trying to justify and reason.

"From a ruse," he says, unamused. "We have no family connection beside that ruse. My father can have you quickly dispersed of, Y/N. You have to remember that. He can make it seem as though you need existed. I'd hate for that to happen."

I look up at him defeated. It appears being a coward is not an option with this situation. If I am going to act like a royal, I must fulfill a royal's duties. Peace remains to be one of them.

Laurance notices the change in my aura and continues to walk forward silently. He offers kind words of reassurance, but they are of no use. I do not know the princess. I only know of what I've seen of her from being in the kingdom.

When the royal family would make appearances in the kingdom, they seemed so calm and collected. The king would lead with his head held high, giving off a feeling of overwhelming power. Laurance would trail behind him as the heir, a calm nature as he walked.

I couldn't tell you the amount of girls who wished to be a princess to stand by his side. But what I knew of the princesses was different. One held her head high as she appeared collected. She held herself up with grace as her gaze remained ahead of her. It was she whom we wished to be like. If I were to tell you I knew Princess Cadenza, even if we weren't extremely close, I would tell you that we were correct to think of her as a role model. If she were like the rest of us, I would think that she would be quite popular amongst everyone she had come into contact with.

But the other princess, she seemed so happy to be out of the walls, looking around with wonder. She was the youngest, younger than me. So full of hope. Is this what royalty does to a person?

"I want you to try to have an afternoon of tea with her," Laurance says, breaking the silence that fell soon after his failed attempts of reassurance. "I'll join you if you wish, off in the sidelines. But what happens during that tea session is up to you. Clear up misunderstandings. But whatever you do, do not blow your cover. Father is still coming to conclusions on what he wishes to have done."


"Thank you for coming," I say, looking up at the blonde who seats herself down in the chair. This feels like a business meeting more than a tea party.

"I only came because Laurance requested that I must," she says, looking over to the male hiding in the corner of our designated tea spot. "He has too much power over me to deny him."

I look over at Laurance whom refuses to share eye contact with me. Perhaps he knows this is true.

I've thought about what I would say over and over again. Each with a new ending. But through it all, I knew I would have to surrender Laurance in before I could get my final point across. Of course I invaded her privacy, but this entire situation I find to be far worse.

"I wish to give you my dearest apologies for invading your privacy and reading your letters."

She looks at me, a saddened expression across her face. "Why'd you do it? How did you know about those letters? They were hidden!"

I explained it. I started from the very beginning. How I stumbled upon her diary. The events of my life and how they took a strange turn. Everything up until this point in time. I couldn't look her in the eyes when I finished. I imagined hurt and anger to swirl within them. When I looked up, all there was was a blank face.

I look to Laurance once more, and he stands from his spot, hesitant to walk over to us before he gives in. He places his hand on her shoulder, frowning.

Her expression changed. There's a series of different emotions: betrayal, anger, sadness. In the end, her demeanor changes once more to a calm, slightly downturned, state before she stands.

"I must write to Vylad," she says, looking up into Laurance's eyes. He shakes his head, telling her of his disappearance. This causes her to frown. "Then I must write to Garroth instead. Perhaps he can could help me."

I begin to stand. The tea has gone cold and the treats now begin to taste of sand. I've lost my appetite.

"I'll walk you back to your chambers, and we'll talk as we go," Laurance tells her, holding out his arm as if he were an escort.

"Thank you, Laurance," she whispers, nodding her head before turning to me. Her gaze is soft, no longer harsh and accusing. "Thank you for clearing up misunderstandings. I must apologize for my attitude, dear sister. Laurance, please start."

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