A New Life

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****I am so very sorry that this story has taken so long to update. As all of you know right after I posted the last chapter, the world changed for everyone. Although I was lucky to still keep my job, it just got crazier. So know that things have become more routine, I have found time to update! I am planning on releasing one chapter a week. Thank you all for your patience during this time!***

Daniel and Emily have been in London for a week now. Just enjoying their stress free vacation. Emily wakes up before Daniel every morning to make breakfast, because it is a habit she cannot break. Daniel always wakes up to the sound of her making breakfast because she really dose not know how to be quiet.

"Babe, you know you don't have to make breakfast? We can go get something at the restaurant down the street. Plus then I would not have to do the dishes." he said with a raised eyebrow. "I know I just feel better through out the day if I do, and it is the only time you have to do the dishes thank you very much." She says back with a smile and a kiss on Daniels forehead. They finish their breakfast with talk of what they were going to do for the day. After breakfast, Daniel washed the dishes and Emily ran up stairs to get ready for the day. Daniel soon followed behind since Emily made it a point to not use every dish in the house this time.

Daniel and Emily started talking about how their lives have changed in the past couple years. How Daniel has moved up at Grayson Global, how Emily has finally started having the relationship with Charlotte she has dreamt of, and how slowly they are patching up their relationship with Victoria. After the loss of Berkley,Victoria had become more loving and understanding of their privacy and started to be more cordial. They also talked about the sad times. The loss of Berkley and Ashley all in the span of 48 hours.

"Hey Ems, are you doing ok? I haven't really talked to you much these passed few weeks about how you have been." Daniel said hugging Emily. "I have been sad, questioning why, how, did I do something wrong? Was there something wrong that we didn't know? But being here with you, with no agenda, nothing to worry about, no one to please, makes it a little better. So thank you for thinking about us." Emily says with a tear in her eye, but smiling. "Emily, I love you so so much it hurts. To see you in pain hurts me more. You know if there is anything I can do, you know I will bend over backwards to help you, no limitations on what it is. If you want to find answers I am sure we can, just say the words and I will get the ball rolling." Daniel says kissing Emilys forehead. "You think we can? But what if something was wrong, can we go through that again?" "If we don't find out will we question, what if, they rest of our lives? What if we find out that there was something wrong, and it helps out future children down the road?" "Okay lets call when we get back, but Danny, I can't even think about another child right now. We haven't even cleaned out her room yet, and honestly I don't know when I can." You can see that Daniel is relived that Emily agreed about the testing. " Ems I agree 100% with you, when ever we are both ready to try again, we will revisit that conversation."

They finish the morning walking the neighborhood they are staying in. Going into local shops, laughing, They decide to go into the city for dinner. Before they head to dinner the go back the house and change. While they are changing Daniel makes reservations at a nice restaurant. They get dressed up for the night.

"Hey Danny, when are we exactly going home. I'm running low on a couple things." "When ever you want my dear." Daniel says winking at Emily. "Can we go in the next couple of days, I am starting to miss my little beach house." "I'll book a flight now!"

Daniel and Emily go into the city for dinner. While there they continue the events of the day laughing, talking, reminiscing. "Daniel, where do you see us if we wouldn't have lost baby girl?" "Well, we would probably be at home right now sleep deprived and living on coffee and junk food. Probably having to tell Charlotte she needs to go home because she couldn't stay over all day." He says laughing. "I meant like in five years, would we still travel like this? Would we have another little one to worry about? Would we still be in the Hamptons?" Emily says laughing back, trying to hide her tears from Daniels cute answer. "All I know for sure is that I would be with the women I love so dearly, and my daughter who would have just had the most amazing birthday party. And maybe just maybe we could have snuck in another little Grayson."

Daniel says with a wink. Emily immediately chokes on her wine she was sipping. "Oh is that right? You really think so?" "Emily you light up a room when there are children involved, you are the happiest when you have Little Carl over. So yes I believe we would have snuck in another one if things didn't go the way it did. And by the way, you still have the same reaction even after our loss." Emily blushes and just stairs at Daniel.

They end the night at the restaurant and leave arms linked, smiling, and still laughing. They decide to walk back to the house instead of getting a cab. On the way back to the house they talk about their family, where they see theirselves in 5 years, what they want to do in life, where they want to travel, just like a first date. Getting back to the root of their relationship, but in a more conventional way, not getting a drink spilled over your sports coat kind of way.

Half way back to house, Daniel looks at Emily, grabs her face and just stares into her eyes. "Emily, these past 5 years with you have been the best years of my life. When I am with you I feel like that young college student who had nothing figured out but how to work the system, just like the summer we net. I love you with my entire heart, sometimes it hurts how much I love you. I can not wait to spend the rest of my life with you. Oh by the way, happy anniversary." He said with a wink and leans in to kiss Emily. Emily stops him. "Wait what did you just say? It is not August 8th is it?! CRAP! I am so sorry Daniel I forgot this!" "Emily, I am not mad at you. I planned this trip because one, I know it has been a crazy couple of months and I know you needed a stress relief. And you forgetting what today was shows me that you have relaxed, has shown me you are not thinking about anything. And I love it." "I'll make it up to you when we get home I promise." "You don't need to do anything. and by the way we leave tomorrow after lunch." Daniel lays a kiss on Emily's forehead and they continue to walk home.

They arrive back home and start to pack up the last few weeks of their lives. Emily put on some music to help with the silence of the two of them working on getting ready to leave. Emily just looks around smiling thinking about the time they have had. How they have had nothing planned. No meetings. No parties to attend. No one to please. Just the two of them, having a real vacation for the first time in a very long time. They finish packing up everything except the clothes and items they are going to need for their travel day tomorrow.

The next morning Daniel wakes up before Emily for the fit time this entire trip. He laughs. He see this as a sign to go grab breakfast at the shop down the street. He also sees a flower shop on the way and picks up a bouquet for Emily. He returns back home and gets breakfast all set up before Emily could wake up. Emily wakes up and immediately laughs as she sees breakfast at the foot of the bed, and the bouquet on the side table beside her. Emily enjoys her breakfast in bed and after she's done she takes her dishes down the the kitchen where she finds Daniel sipping his coffee and reading he local paper. "I see you beat me to it this morning." Emily says kissing the top of Daniels head. "I was surprised my self. Just leave your dishes in the sink and I will get them after I finish my coffee." Daniel says looking up from his paper. "I won't object from that!" Emily says laughing

They finish getting ready to head home. They pack all of their bags into the back of the cab and head to the airport. They arrive a few minutes early, so they find a longe by their gate. In now time they are boarding and finally on their way home from a wonderful vacation. Emily looks over at Daniel who is looking out the window, just admiring how lucky she is to have him in her life.

"Hey Danny, when the get back to the Hamptons, I have a surprise for you." She says with a wink. "Oh really do you? I told you you didn't have to get anything." "I know, this is just something I knew you wanted for a while." Emily says kissing Daniels hand.

They finally land at the airport, receive their luggage, and start to head to the beach house. 

***I hope you all enjoyed. As always I would love to hear your predictions and thoughts on this chapter! Thank you!***

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2021 ⏰

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